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Just stay low and observe for a while to see how things work out there. You can’t fight city hall, most of us that have been in corrections know that. For right now learn, learn, learn. |
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I’m kind of hoping I can put in some time, move up and be able to change things. Our training manager likes to change positions every few years and he is the one that does our initial physical assessment. Is it too much to hope for that I could be that person and not let things like that happen? With this company your opportunities and training are limitless and I would really like to try and make a difference there. Is my optimism showing too much? |
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Bridgeport my advise to you is get some exp with this crew and apply to your State Corrections. Because if they are prepared to ignore such serious breaches in safety in firearms training I shudder to think what it’s like in the facility. |
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Love ya back Commander! Yes, thank you everyone, I didn’t think I was crazy! Like I’ve said I have made my concerns known, but what can I do when everyone above me is approving this? I work for a privately owned company (yeah, I know) and I’m not sure what else I can do without losing my job. We will be training at a facility an hour away for the next two weeks and I had to contact the training manager there to get a medical cart set up to take her to and from the training room every day because last time she tried to walk across the facility she collapsed and my training manager asked me to set it up for her. He told me the only reason they are letting her stay is because she has Corrections experience. I’m absolutely loving my job, but I get almost physically ill every time I look at her and know that she is going to get herself or someone else hurt and no one will do anything about it and I’m the only one that doesn’t just bitch behind her back and not say anything to anyone. Wow, being able to vent to people that actually understand why I’m fuming and don’t treat me like I’m a raving, prejudice lunatic is nice :) |
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Dropping a weapon or pointing it at anyone that you don’t intend to shoot are serious violations. Should be cause for removal. |
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I was thinking about that scenario of a cadet pointing a loaded weapon all over the range, dropping the weapon which really would make everyone paranoid if it went off accidentally. Commander is right, where to hell was the range instructor? I recall back in basic training for the military we were on the range firing M-16’s at a target. One of the airmen about two places from me had a cartridge go into his neck so he bent forward to drop the hot shell not realizing his M-16 (loaded) was directly behind him in the stomach of the range instructor. Everyone froze as the range instructor told him not to move. It was a really awakening moment, believe me. |
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First and foremost, glad you enjoyed it Bridgeport. Love ya gal. You have a great attitude. Second and most importantly, WTF is going on. Do you even have a range instructor???? As a Lt., when we recertified each year, if you did any of what you said and my training officer didn’t say anything, I would ensure he never forgot his job duties. That is a straight discplinary offense, possibly automatic removal from you job, depending on what rules you are written up for. That is outrageous. I can’t believe any prison system could be that desparate for help. Dropping the gun is an automatic disqualifier. That person would get some classroom and then one more chance on the range. If that person failed again, they would be standing in line at Burger King with appliation in hand. Sad enough they are gonna keep her and then she will be a major libability. Someone is going to get hurt or possibly taken hostage due to her inabilitiy to assist. I would love to sit in on about a week of your academy. Would love to have them explain to me how they can overlook the obvious. It is not a question of whether she has grounds for a discrimination suit. All people going through the academy in whatever state, have guidelines and policies they have to learn and adhere too. Over the course of instruction, same for everybody, if you don’t get it or can’t pass it, you are terminated. That would be based on your inability to certify or qualify any part of the course of instruction. WOW that is amazing. Keep your head up and watch your back. |
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I would be as worried about the lack of safety on the Range. It’s the Range Masters responsibility to enforce safety. And nobody can gainsay him as regards safety. So if it’s that lax I would be very nervous around that range. |
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Thank you! I wish people would be more worried about safety than they do about offending someone. |
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Who ever was the Range Master failed badly in his job . If she was that unsafe with a firearm she should have never have been certified until she passed a firearm safety course. |
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I had a great day and the shotgun was really fun. Certification was super easy and although I’m not completely over my unease with them, it’s definately a lot better. |
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The state of Ohio requirements are kind of easy to pass as long as you don’t sit around watching Jerry Springer and eating Twinkies all day long. Looks are deceiving I agree. I would rather have a guy we call Shrek then some of the “fit” guys who would get knocked over if anything serious happened. Though shotguns are fun I wished we would update to a pistol grip on our .870s. Glad your enjoying it hope that you never have to use one on the work site. |
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If shes having body pains from sitting up then she really needs medical help. Shotgun = Fun. Gotta love the sound of a nice magnum shell too. Firearms are nothing to be freaked out about as long as you have the proper respect for them. Any good instructor should tell you safety and range rules, step by step wat your course of fire will be, and what is required to pass. Keep your head on straight, don’t do anything dangerous and listen to the commands of the range officer at all times and you should be fine. One more thing, during shotgun drills make sure to “pack” the buttpad into your shoulder. If you shoot these things with a gap between yourself and the gun it can really hurt and cause injuries. If the course of fire requires shooting from the hip or tuck positions, use your arm to squeeze the stock into your body. Helps absorb the recoil and makes it easier on your wrists, elbows and shoulders. |
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I agree with looks can be deceiving, but she can’t walk very far and complains of body pains from sitting up too much :/ Oh, well, I’ve made my opinion known and will continue to do so if I feel like she is putting anyone in danger. I have nothing against her, she is very nice, but I really wish they would worry more about safety than discrimination, which she couldn’t file anyways because places are allowed to have requirements for a job and if you don’t meet the requirements, bye bye. |
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Sometimes looks can be deceiving, I recall working with an officer who was quite large, dunno if he could see his feet or not. Worked one of the most hectic spots on shift and was a first responder. But this guy could out run and out fight most of the others on shift. Commander likely knows who I’m speaking of. Getting a lil out of shape is one thing. Happens to most of us from time to time due to injuries, hectic home/work schedule etc… But when it gets to be a liability then thats a problem. Private Pyle! Your ass looks like a giant wad of chewed bubble gum! Sorry had to throw that in. |
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In response to the officer to be, that can’t pass a physical fitness test. Give that Officer 3 chances, if that Officer still can’t pass the PT test, let the Officer go. There is no room in corrections for anyone that physically can’t perform their job. In Ohio, there is a minimum physical portion of the job requirement. If you don’t meet the standards, you don’t get hired. I realize that quite a few Officers let themselves go physically after some time on the job. I always told my Officers that if they didn’t or couldn’t respond to an alarm and assist staff, they would read about it. I also told them that I would do everything in my power to ensure they would be looking for another job. We don’t have any lee way in whether or not help is coming. If help gets there and can’t help, what good are they???? I understand light duty and that is a good thing but, where I come from, light duty is not permitted anywhere near Inmates. Therefore, you don’t have to rely on an injured staff member coming to your aid. I always told everyone, you only have to fight for 30 seconds after you hit your alarm. We normally were anywhere in the prison in under that amount of time. We were lucky, SOCF is totally under roof. Makes it easier to respond. |
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There are officers who get injured either at work or home who are put on light duty (depending on facility policy) for a period of time until they can assume full duties. This is acceptable practice not only in corrections but police work as well. With respect to the new CO who didn’t pass the PT test I know of two officers that were let go because of that one issue. Most facilities have a one year or 18 month probation period anyway that is used to weed out those who cannot perform the job. |
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And I agree with DT. It isn’t fair that people who can’t really do the job physically get put on posts like that. I understand not wanting to discriminate during the hiring process, but if she were in the process of becoming a police officer, she wouldn’t make the cut, so why should she in a correctional setting? Everyone needs to do their part to help each other out and be there for each other in a dangerous situation, and it sounds like she can’t really do that. |
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Hello! I’ve been reading posts in the forum for a while, but wasn’t able to make an account at work, so I made one at home! I’ve been working in corrections for a little over 3 months now, and I absolutely love it! You guys have given great advice on here, and it’s helped me a lot and kept me going sometimes! Thank you! |
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You should be angry about that! Same pay for doing the bare minimum! |
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Promising news! There isn’t a facility anywhere close to me with a SORT team but our facility is looking to put together a cell extraction team and I put my name out there first! Plus we need a DT instructor and I’m up for that too! It will be awhile until they get it all together but I’m not going anywhere so you better believe I’m going for it! And i also made my concerns known about the woman I am training with that can’t even go to the bathroom and back without pouring sweat and failed the PAT miserably and I was told they would probably put her in Seg or Central so no one would get hurt waiting for her to get to them in an emergency, I’m not really sure how to feel about that…. |
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One thing I always say to the new folks is If you are not sure ASK. Because if it goes pear shaped the first question I am going to ask you is “Did you seek advise and if not why not”. |
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Agreed DT. Far too many come in with the attitude that they already know how to run a prison and leave them alone. You can’t teach them anything. It is always funny when they do something stupid (no one gets hurt) and then they come to you for advice. I still help them but can’t help asking them why they didn’t figure that out, since they already know it all. She has a great attitude and I hope you continue to do well Bridgeport. |
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Well you get the compliments for the good attitude cuz too many come in with a bad one and never look back. Keep it up woman! |
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I’m not going anywhere, that’s for sure and this week has inspired me to further my fitness and aim for a spot on the SORT team. Y’all are gonna make a little ole country girl blush with all the compliments (that doesn’t mean stop) haha, but seriously, I knew I would like this job, I just never realized how much. And if I have any questions you’re darn skippy I’m gonna ask! Thanks again and everyone stay safe. |
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