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Sep 07, 2017
Female user m2017 2 posts

Topic: The Club House / Calling all Correctional Officers- Dissertation Recruitment

Calling all Correctional Officers

for an opportunity to share perspectives.

My name is Michelle Malters, and I am a fourth-year doctoral candidate at Adler University studying psychology. I am working on my dissertation titled: Correctional Officers and Their Experiences with Gay Male Inmates. While there are no direct benefits to you, it is hoped that by examining your current perceptions and your experience, a better understanding can be developed to about how correctional officers interact with gay male inmates. On the job experience provides a valuable dimension to research as you are the first responders that interact with a challenging population in a stressful environment on a daily basis. Your insights, attitudes, and observations will contribute to my understanding of challenges and how perceptions of LGBTQ inmates influence behavior.
If you are interested, you can complete a confidential, secure survey by clicking on this link: https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=177975 that will contribute to my dissertation. No information will be shared with your facility or superiors. I truly appreciate your assistance with this research.

Sep 07, 2017
Female user m2017 2 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Calling all Correctional Officers - Disseration recruitment

Calling all Correctional Officers

for an opportunity to share perspectives.

My name is Michelle Malters, and I am a fourth-year doctoral candidate at Adler University studying psychology. I am working on my dissertation titled: Correctional Officers and Their Experiences with Gay Male Inmates. While there are no direct benefits to you, it is hoped that by examining your current perceptions and your experience, a better understanding can be developed to about how correctional officers interact with gay male inmates. On the job experience provides a valuable dimension to research as you are the first responders that interact with a challenging population in a stressful environment on a daily basis. Your insights, attitudes, and observations will contribute to my understanding of challenges and how perceptions of LGBTQ inmates influence behavior.
If you are interested, you can complete a confidential, secure survey by clicking on this link: https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=177975 that will contribute to my dissertation. No information will be shared with your facility or superiors. I truly appreciate your assistance with this research.

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