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Apr 08, 2009
Female user blondeco 4 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

I have to agree with Kellie on the makeup/jewelry stuff. Either you show up from day one dressed to policy and with minimum amount of makeup……..or you show up with none and stick with that look day in and day out.

Because when you show up without wearing makeup everyday to work…….then suddenly show up one day with makeup……….red flag to everyone. Believe me. Its a total red flag. Staff and inmates wonder who you are trying to screw………staff or inmates!!!!!!!!!!!

I also have to agree with Kellie on: Dont make empty threats. Make promises. The inmates know the rules better than staff does. They like to “try” new C/O’s. To see if you know your job. Its just like any other job really, trial and errors. But, your errors could cause a situation you dont want. If you dont know, ask someone else. And keep asking. Watch how others interact. Like I said before, tweek it to fit you. I found my way, a new female C/O can find hers.

Apr 04, 2009
Female user blondeco 4 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

Igoturback……..I have so got to agree with the females with low opinions of themselves. If they came to prison to find a hubby, they should just get on an inmates visiting list and not waste my time or energy. Prison is no place for them. It takes a strong person, mentally and emotionally to work in a prison. And I am not just talking about females……..I have worked with some males that…..well, if a situation happened, I so do not want them anywhere near. I am an F.T.O. too and was picked because of my own self respect and attitude. I read policy daily, I know the rules and regulations, yet I do NOT live that job. When I leave there, work stays there. I work in the Ad-seg unit and I see it all. Humans at their worst. You see it all there and you sure in the hell hear it all there.
As for making friends, I have no friends there. I have a working relationship with fellow staff and the Inmates. That is it. I do not go out after work with any of them. Don’t give them any ammo against you I always say (meaning staff). I used to teach defensive tactics at the prison and always got a kick out the “newbie” male Officers who “thought” I was a wimp. A female can’t do that stuff. Ha. I am 5’4 and can and WILL go into any situation at the prison before half of the male staff there. ALL staff gets back up and I WILL defend all staff against an Inmate/s. ALL staff will leave that day ALIVE. That is my job and my duty. And I, as a female, understand what can happen in a prison. I have been doing time too long not to understand that. I can’t even 12/12 till 2025, so I know I will only get better at my job as time goes by.
I have been involved in MANY uses of force and each time another one happens, I look forward to the next time one happens. As I see it, Inmates know the consequences of their actions, it was their choice…….so lets do it!!! I have a job to do. Its only a little bit of paperwork, an hour of so of time, but some real good conversations with your fellow employees……lol. I AM one of the many females at the prison I work at, that they WANT to respond to a situation. Calm cool and collected at all times.

Apr 04, 2009
Female user blondeco 4 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

I am a female and have worked in both a level 5 and a level 3 male prison. Its in how you handle yourself and situations. The Inmates will say things, try to break you down. Couldn’t tell you how many times I have been told I am fat, ugly and a female dog. I just smile and say thank you. Never ever let them get to you, see you cry or get upset. Its all about respect. You will have your problem Inmates, we all do. But, its how you handle yourself. Firm, fair and consistant.
I have no idea how many females I have seen get caught up by Inmates. They either quit because they can’t handle being belittled day by day or they actually have affairs with Inmates. First things first, no matter what anyone says, it is US against THEM. It is the respect of your fellow staff members that matters most. You have to remember where you are, you are in a prison, seeing people at their worst. If you were in prison, how would you act? Most likely the same way. Its all a game for them. First, break you down. If they accomplish that, then its time to work on you and get you to bring things in or get involved with them. Staff members are the only ones who have your back…..an Inmate NEVER will.
Senior female staff members are your best resource…….find out how they do it and tweek it to fit you and your personality. When I train new Officers, I tell them that. What works for me, might not work for you so you have to find your own way. But always, always, be fair firm and consistant in what you do. Empathy not Sympathy. You will hear some stories from the Inmates…….but no Sympathy. They did the crime, they can do the time. You are not the Judge or jury, you did not put them there. THEY DID. You will leave wanting to cry…….but never ever let them see you cry. Leave work at work and your personal life OUTSIDE of work. Simple ethics to live by. When you walk through that main gate daily and it shuts behind you, you are a C/O. You are not a female, you are not girly girly. You are not a mother or a wife, you are a C/O just like the male Officers. But, again, you have to find your own way. Just stick with policy and procedure implimented by your prison, and noone can ever fault you at all. Learn it, keep reading it, keep reading it, keep reading it (can’t say that enough) know it and live it at work.

Apr 04, 2009
Female user blondeco 4 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Mandated CPR On Inmates: Good Or Not So Good?

Interesting convo. I work in a prison…..and all staff is trained in CPR….it is mandated here. We at first balked at having to save an Inmates life. Our version of CPR was, tap him a few times with our foot, and radio for medical to respond. But, everyone at the facility I work at, have come understand why we are mandated to give CPR. We have masks, and now that the Red Cross has changed the standards of CPR…..more chest compressions than mouth to mouth, it has made the idea of giving CPR easier for all of us to handle. Because, like everyone else, we went to work disease free, we want to leave the same way. We know the conditions we work in, yet we also have to accept the responsiblity of the position. To some people, its just a “job”, to others, it is a career choice. I have had to respond to many situations since I work in the “lock down” unit and suicide attempts run high there. I have had to save many Inmates lives. That is my job and my duty. Some die, some you save. This job is not for everyone. We know the risks we take every day when we walk into a prison. That main gate closes behind us and the ratio is basically 1 C/O to every 120-150 Inmates. Giving CPR is just another risk we take.

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