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Recent Posts by Jesusofficer


Subscribe to Recent Posts by Jesusofficer 6 posts found

Sep 02, 2007
Male user Jesusofficer 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Crime Stoppers has honored five area law enforcement officers

cHECK pOLICEONE.COM. GOOD SITE…ALSO CHECK OUT Acrecona.com ( at least i think tats how u spell it…Google it). Check out Peace Oficers Memorial Wall and punch into the Correctional Officers Poems section. Theres a good poem titled .. When God Created Corectional Officers. get to me at JesusOfficer@Policeone.com

Sep 02, 2007
Male user Jesusofficer 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Losing control

Jesus H Christ!!! What the hell is hqppening to this country. same thing here in NYC! What with all the camaras and Hug-a Thug groupies around the inmates are just shopping for a lawsuit these days! This shit didnt go on when i worked for NYS (Sing Sing). Find a place with NO CAMARAS. Bitch slap the punk and leave no marks. Bet you wont have problems anymore. The entire country is going down the toilet with the bleeding heart liberrals who think these animals could be ‘rehabilitated’. I would love to hear them change their tune after they’ve been hurt or raped or something else by these same ‘poor disadavantaged youth’ they seem so guilt wrackked into helping ‘reintergrate’ into society. The bottom line is…the asshole inmate wouldnt go to a cop on the street and say “fuck you’ so why would u let him do that to you on the in side. The bottom line….WHAT R U MADE OF?

Sep 02, 2007
Male user Jesusofficer 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

Oh,sister officer…i forgot to mention….when you hit the body alarm mentally keep in mind the time it takes for the CERT team or the arrival of other officewrs to come to your aid after you start yelling ” don not resist!”...by the time they come your energy levels should be proplerly spent and the real “counseling’ can commence..

Sep 02, 2007
Male user Jesusofficer 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections

Hay sister Officer…hats off to you. I salute you for holdin it down inside there…having said that i think you might have a tougher road to travel only because how many times do female officers get trapped off doing the same shit over and over again ( Contraband or relations with the inmates..etc.). After a while it becomes like a broken record. To the point that you have to try twice as hard to earn your RESPECT. As far as earning RESPECT from the crooks….ONLY ONE WAY… 1)OC THE FIRST ASSHOLE WHO SMART MOUTHS YOU. 2) Hit your body alarm..count to three then wail away at the asshole. Believe me while these tactics might seem extreme its the ONLY way to get a rep amongst those cockroaches. You decide if you want an easy twenty or a rough twenty… Be careful

Sep 02, 2007
Male user Jesusofficer 6 posts

Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be?

Corrections-The Last Line Of Defense

Sep 02, 2007
Male user Jesusofficer 6 posts

Topic: Security Central / Dew rags

Doo-Rags are a definite red flag. I spent six years pounding a beat at Sing Sing (NYS) before going to work at Rikers Island (NYC) and DooRags are a “signifyer”. Red ones signify Bloods gang membership ( black ones also) and the blue ones for Crips. You guys should nip this thing in the bud before it gets any furthur. Serious fellas…

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