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Inmate entitlement!?!?


Subscribe to Inmate entitlement!?!? 73 posts, 16 voices

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Male user commander 277 posts

Irish, that was the reason I had to retire. I forced myself to go 10 months early (bought the extra military time). I couldn’t control my mouth and me and Mic were about to have that final talk. Wouldn’t have worked out for either of us. I had an Officer on 3rd shift that wanted me to go to the Inmates cell and then listen to them argue. Only took one time to get that one under control. Irish, I know you know who I am talking about. GP block on L-side. The next time he called. I sent an escort down and had the Inmate brought to my office then had the Officer relieved and had him come to the office. No one wanted to argue or yell then.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Absolutely true. Give any inmate an inch and they take a mile. They have 24 hours a day to think up stupid crap just to screw with the COs. One thing that I believe all facilities need to do is let the seasoned (not rookie) officer run their unit. If you make a mistake then supervisors can discuss that in person with you (absolutely never in front of another officer or inmate). When a supervisor comes onto a floor by request of the officer the supervisor needs to listen to what transpired and support that officer unless of course it is a direct violation of the SOPs, etc.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Politcal Correctness = Fancy buzz word for “sorry I don’t have the sack to speak my mind or offend anyone.”

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Well the sad fact is as long as one will give in the inmates will pull their crap. Flooding cells being loud and all that crazy crap. I myself go with the saying “I do not negotiate with terrorist”. If they have rights to it such as food, safety, and basic health care then as I read my post orders it is what I am paid to provide. The extra stuff like fluffing pillows and bending over backwards to be a personal assistant well not happening.

Had an inmate who needed to talk to the head of the dog program to get vet visits arranged I sadly was kind enough to arrange the meeting over the phone. Well after about 5 minutes of him tying up my phone line I was paged to call the captains office I told him to stop chit chatting and get off the phone. He was upset about this and even the program director had to call me back and explain they were not chit chatting. I explained I do not have tolerance for inmates who have an undeserved sense of entitlement and figured that talking about how a certain dog’s cuteness factor is not pertinent information. Needless to say that inmate will now not get anything but the basics from me. The issue is the people who are our bosses facilitate this behavior and like all behavior it is learned. I have seen children perform various acts to get what they want. I baby sat a child who when put in time out would pee his pants or put his fingers down his throat to vomit to get out. After doing his entire stay in time out and then cleaning up the mess to my standards he was then bathed and he had no clean clothes. I put him in one of my daughters set of pink princess clothes. He now dose not wet himself, force himself to vomit, and fears timeout knowing he will stay the whole time and more if he acts out. He said I was mean and scared him so I lost my baby sitting privileges because his parents give into his every whim and he acts that way only when I am not around.
Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Speaking of showers, we had an inmate who killed his dad with a long gun while his dad was mowing the lawn (course my sense of humor being a former CO I thought he should have at least waited for his dad to mow the lawn then shoot him). Anyway, this was a real jerk. We told him several times that it was fine to take a shower but the Judge wanted him in court now. We ended up shutting off the shower water and he took 15 minutes to get ready. The Deputies who took him to court said the Judge was pissed and said, well you made me wait-now you can wait…gave him 6 months in jail for contempt of court not including his trial.

Male user commander 277 posts

I hated to go in on an Inmate that anotherSupervisor would let have his way. I would walk the ranges and an Inmate would tell me, the police won’t give me a shower. I would ask the Officer when I came off the range, he would say, the Inmate refused according to the log. I would then go tell the Inmate, “Nice try, but, you refused. Have a great day.” Then leave the block and continue my rounds. Never really had anyone try me on the little things.

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

Well I like how you think there slim, especially when they find out you won’t give in. Seen too many cave and let ’em have what they want.

Untitled Slim 57 posts

We got a new policy about a year or so ago which allows us to use OC to reclaim food ports. So far as I’ve seen it hasn’t been used yet due to the threat usually working. We now also have triangles that go above the handcuffs when placing an inmate in their cell. It keeps them from pulling their hands in and holding handcuffs hostage. The only time it doesn’t work is when someone is too lazy to use it.

As a supervisor, I have made it my personal policy to never reward an inmate for bad behavior. I would never give an inmate a phone call for vandalizing a sprinkler or anything else. I do know however that some supervisors would rather give in to an inmate then have to do the paperwork. I hate the paperwork too, but I’ve found that once inmates relalize you won’t give in, they stop trying. That in itself usually keeps me doing less paperwork than the other supervisors.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

I know real well what you are talking about DT….I seem them break their sprinkler because they don’t want to eat the regular food,claim they got a diet tray coming but I got no paperwork ,Me, Tought they can starve,but is different now.Thank God,I transfered.. or 30 minute showers,my rule 10 minutes or else,no showers for the next 5 days…I haved a rule 30 minutes,5 days,,Now I gotta write them up…. Liberal bullshit.

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

It is here. Inmates are holding segregation cells hostage, breaking sprinkler heads and arms out the cuffports and the usual. That is until they get phone calls or whatever they’re asking for. Then after the call……..right back to tearing up state property.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Well I am so sorry you broke into someone’s home at 3am to take then fence goods then got caught. Maybe we should give you a new TV with remote, spa service, let you sleep in to get your beauty rest, answer any questions you have, give you extra time to call your girlfriend….really people is that what management is starting to lead to?

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

No accountability, responsibility and a complete sense of entitlement.

Male user commander 277 posts

We can change a little of this in November. I am sick of the political correctness. My fellow Lt’s tell me how bad it is now just since February. WOW, I would have been fired by now. I hate that you guys have to go through such BS everyday.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Hate to said but you are right,a few years ago I got asked to be involved in am intervention with a family member,crack cocaine, and alcohol.Plus stealing from his family.
In the middle of talking with the consular,he blame his parents for his drug addiction,piece of crap.Same with the inmates nowadays.No accountability ,,,
I am old school,you screw up,you should be held responsible…

Isr DT Instructor 108 posts

The country is being “pussified” by the hippie-liberals that are now in charge. Until the powers that be realize not everyone is a unique and beautiful snowflake, especially in the prison system, well will be stuck in this mess. We’ve all seen the changes and how it’s going downhill daily.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

And yet the powers that be continue to dump endless funds towards failed programs and ways to make someones prison time as comfortable as possible. Seems like a huge waste to me but what do I know, I only work in the trenches for a living.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

I saw a very funny take on prison not too long ago. An inmate is taking part in a scared straight program. He is getting in a teens face about how he doesn’t want to go to prison for the typical reasons then stops in the middle looks at the cop and states that he can’t do this. He states that he can’t lie to the kid because it’s part of this rehabilitation vow he has taken. He then goes on to tell about hot he hangs out with his boy, works out, eats chow, then hops with him all day. He then goes on telling the teen how he even has a job and how he is top salesman of the month at his institution as a telemarketer. When the cop takes the teen and tells the guy he isn’t going to be getting out early for the program the inmate states that it is okay they are getting a frap chino maker at the office next month.

This wouldn’t be so comical if it wasn’t so true. There is still prison violence but unlike in the olden days there really are ways just to do your time and if you avoid the gangs and don’t deal or gamble you honestly can skate by unharmed in prison. I believe we need to go back to the days when you have to deal with the choices you make and the consequences of them rather than complaining to the guards to come save your dumb ass.

(Know I reposted it from another thread but it fit sooooooo well.)

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

I agree Commander. I am so glad I retired when I did. It’s worse than us versus them. Now COs have to worry about what supervisors or Warden is going to hang them out to dry because the poor inmate was treated unfairly. My suggestion to all of you still working as a CO is to be professional, on time, don’t abuse sick time, DOCUMENT everything and stay safe.

Male user commander 277 posts

That is the way society is now Irish. Not trying to turn this into a political debate but, that is the way the Liberals and Socialists have turned this Country. Look at the Leaders of this Country and in the past 14 plus years, the way they govern this Country is the reason why the entitlement mentality has grown. Today, everyone feels as though someone owes them something for doing nothing. I speak to a few of my friends who still work at SOCF and they say it is worse now then when I retired in Feb. My son works at CCI and he says it is bad there too. Had a Captain a few weeks ago, helping Inmates write informal complaints against an Officer. That is crossing the line. Not only improper supervision but also borderline ethics violation. He was basically telling them how to write the Officer up, in the Captain’s office. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Thats what I’ve come to know as the main difference between convicts and inmates. Back when everyone locked up was a con, everything was a respect game. Give respect get respect. Sadly with this new generation everyone feels like they are entitled to whatever they want no matter what. Might be why the prison system is overcrowded like it is.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Seems years ago when I first started the inmates were fairly polite and they would ask for something. In my last couple of years that changed from asking to demanding. Unfortunately when inmates are given what they demand it makes it harder for COs working the units/tiers. There is nothing worse than running a unit then have a superior overrule your decision then give the inmate what they demanded.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Well I certainly hope our boys and girls in the sandbox are getting it now cause in my days it wasn’t happening. Your best friend was a medic with a cool bag of saline.

Male user commander 277 posts

There are soldiers in the desert in Afghanistan. I don’t know whether or not they are getting ice but, I guarantee if they are it is not because they are crying for it. They lug around 80 to 100lb packs all day in 120 degree weather. The Inmates should only be given the bare necessities. Nothing more nothing less. Maybe, if they took away all the extras, the Inmates wouldn’t want to come back.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Ice for injuries, fine I see that. Ice when it’s actually hot as hell out, yeh I can see that too. But it aggrivates me to no end seeing the decision makers bend to inmates complaints over every little thing all because they don’t want to deal with saying no. Sorry, maybe I’m just to old school for my own good.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Yes used to give plain ice to inmates for injuries as per the nurse but we finally learned it was a great idea to put black pepper on top of the ices, that ruins any plans for inmates putting ice in their drinks…

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