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Something to remember about agencies


Subscribe to Something to remember about agencies 7 posts, 6 voices

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Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

A I am bipolar so I really don’t know what I am saying or posting!!!
Heck it works for the inmates….speaking of that crap…another favorite,“I didn’t have my medication this morning.”I didn’t meant to call the new boss a useless piece of …..I stick with bipolar on that one;)

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Yeh ummm….. Just kidding about that whole foot and turd comment. This place smells great.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

It’s the old adage “You are never fully off duty”. We were told when we joined the Job that doing anything that could bring the Service into disrepute can get you fired.

Male user commander 277 posts

Outstanding posts from all 3 of you. Can’t add anything on my end, you guys covered it all.

Untitled Slim 57 posts

I agree about Facebook. You can add Myspace, and forums like this one. A popular forum for California Correctional Officers is pacovilla.com. There have been many rumors that it is monotored by CDCR. There is no knowing who is reading these forums, or your Facebook page. There is a lot of controversy right now with government agencies and private companies wanting their employees to give their passwords. I personally don’t have a Facebook account because I have seen the stupid things people post, and I am actually more concerned about an inmate or paroled inmate looking me up and getting information about my family. I post here to communicate with and help fellow officers, but try not to reveal to much about department policy, or make statements that could get me fired.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Jamestown you are right.All officers,new and those with time in need to be careful what they do on and off the job.Liked to add domestic violence,and Facebook….From 2007 to 2010,battling my ex on and off over our son who was emancipated,over 18.She claim I owed her in arrears and for emotional damages.Tought,heated words where exchange,except for in my case,after she found out I was a correction officer….Well accused of everything under the sun.The department’s attitude.Zero tolerence for domestic violence,guilty period… I took awhile and thanks to a good lawyer I paid out of my pocket it never got official;In the boss office.
The other one is Facebook.Careful never to put anything that happened on the job or remarks about a new co or supervisor on it.. Know of too many officers getting in trouble for remarks they said on Facebook…True! Gotta be careful on and off the job.

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

I thought that I should pass this along to new officers and perhaps some of you who have been a CO for a while. Please remember this. The department or agency you work for ALWAYS protects itself. Regardless of who you are, what rank, what you have done for the agency or department, length of service remember that management (Warden, Deputy Chief, Major, Captain)will react to protect the facility at all costs. What does that mean. Well I have seen officers fired (including police) for off duty activities that embarrassed the department. Here are a couple of examples. DWI or DWAI. In many departments and facilities if you get convicted of a DWI or DWAI you are gone. The department doesn’t like adverse publicity in any way, thus if you were drinking off duty, get arrested you open the door for them to file civil service charges. The other examples are an officer making inappropriate comments to the public about the department which casts a bad image. Watch what comments you make in public, especially if you wear your uniform to and from work. I know a CO who went to a grocery store to purchase beer in uniform two hours after work. The problem was he told the cashier that he didn’t have to provide ID, then showed her his uniform patch. Unfortunately for him the lady behind him called the radio station that broadcast it all over the county. Guess who was listening to that? The Warden, so he had to resign or face charges. In a nutshell folks, be careful what you do on the job and off. Be professional. Stay safe.

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