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Another article needing comment


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Female user Kristine Ste... 1 post

Subsequent to perusing the article, I don’t figure the Essay Help Uk would differ with the remarks here. I think he/she utilized the relationship of a race where the end goal continues moving more remote away. The essayist is stating that staff can wind up noticeably baffled that the more they look, the stash still never appears to leave. I think the purpose of the story was that staff need to keep up the quests paying little respect to the dissatisfaction with a specific end goal to keep ourselves, and other staff and prisoners safe. Regardless of the possibility that we never can state that all stash is presently gone.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

I transfered from a place that was 100% single man cells to a plave thats all open dorms. Even the “hole” here is double bunked. Yeh its a lot less stress from the inmates, but man sometimes I just feel lost cause I don’t have the same way of thinking as my current administration does. So I really do understand your issues there.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Love what Irish said but we are under new administrators ,we cannot be degratting the inmates,making fun of them for being idiots……..love my new assignment ,all dorms ,1300 less to deal with,it’s usually ,seriously I don’t need this crap guys,so far they listen.Love my new transfer,all dorms…. Be safe guys…

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

It just amazes me how stupid former inmates are coming to visit at a jail…what makes them think we don’t know who they are…besides every person regardless of who they are gets a warrant check. On the average we catch two people a week on active warrants in visiting. One woman came into visiting with a drug patch on her dress..hello…..did you expect us NOT to see it?
Contraband control is constant in all jails and prisons, you have to look everywhere, they are constantly trying to hide drugs and contraband in the most unlikely places.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

“I’m sorry, but the asshole you’ve dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again.”

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

What still hard to stomach Jamestown is the extreme they go thru to get contraband in.After visits we check the bathrooms.They quit with me because they knew I would check…first time I found THC,marijuana ….After 3 weeks they try a different approach.After visits they would hold and kiss their girls for a long period,transferring small bags,dimes from one mouth to the next.
The hardest to this day to accept is the MULES, we try to catch em bringing drugs in,well is the squad and spread em part,you could fit a kitchen sink in their…. Well you get the point.
Bartender after work always knew when I had a hard day"just keep bringing them drinks".

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Oh we had an inmate try the same thing but when he squatted for strip search it was discovered…amazing.. I was doing a block check one time saw an inmate on a cellphone and said to him “where did you get that?” he said, my mom…yeah right….

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Shakedown is a non-stop daily job.Inmates always coming up with new ways of bringing in contraband.Looking and reading all the posts the author of the original post should have call it the never ending race….
On a humor…..I came in one day to manpower one day and there was a copy of am x-ray on the board of what appear to be a cell-phone lodge the wrong way in what appear to be the inside of a rectum?
I asked ,am basically on the way back to his unit from visit.the inmate somehow from all the walking the cell phone got,was a Blacberry!!!!,turn around inside his ass,making it difficult to get out……trying not to laugh…LAUGHING….days later he was transfer to the hospital where it was surgically removed,,,,It happened while I was on vacation…:(

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Absolutely right Commander, shaking down for contraband is a daily job. We always did random blocks and tiers so they wouldn’t guess when a shakedown was coming. For new COs remember to wear leather gloves if you are allowed because looking under shelves and bunks you certainly do not want a razor or needle stuck in your fingers. I love it when you shakedown a cell, find contraband then the inmate says, “oh it was there when I moved in the block CO.”

Male user commander 277 posts

In over 26 years I found a ton of contraband. From money, cell phones, drugs, gang notes, gang hits, one note and several photos about who robbed a bank in cincinnati (which helped convict a guy on the street) to gang photos and very nice knives or as we called them shanks. Best shakedown I ever completed, an Inmate moved in from a medium security prison about 9 years ago (CCI). His first night there I seen him on the yard hanging out with some well known “Crips.” I grabbed up a female officer (I worked as an STG Investigator at the time and also a Lt.) and asked her if she would like to find some gang material. We went to the inmates cell and began shaking it down. Sure enough we found a lot of notes and photos of Security Threat Group (gang) nature. I then looked into a folder and found a 15" stainless steel shank. After locking up the Inmate, I called the Officers into the office who shook him and his property down upon his arrival earlier in the evening. I then called CCI and asked who shook down the Inmates property before he left. Make a long story short, he was sent there for having 2 15" shanks and they had one but couldn’t find the other. I assured their Shift Captain that I was indeed in possession of the lost shank. He asked how I come to find it and I told him it was in an accordian folder in his property. 7 Officers got a severe butt rippin’ from both prisons and the Inmate did 2 years of Segregation.Don’t ever take rountine shakedowns for granted. Not patting myself or the female officer on the back but, only GOD knows what violence or worse we prevented. Go with your gut. If you feel he/she has something, they do.

Untitled Slim 57 posts

After reading the article, I don’t think the writer would disagree with the comments here. I think he/she used the anology of a race where the finish line keeps moving farther away. The writer is saying that staff can become frustrated that the more they search, the contraband still never seems to go away. I think the point of the story was that staff have to keep up the searches regardless of the frustrations in order to keep ourselves, and other staff and inmates safe. Even if we never can say that all contaband is now gone.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Inmates are constantly coming up with new ideas, new hiding spots, almost new everything. We as security staff are constantly trying our best to keep up with ever changing trends in prison contraband and inmate habits to conceal it. Not really what I would brand with the traditional meaning of the word “race” but in a strange way its kind of half right. Inmates are always trying to stay ahead of the staff and the staff are always doing our best to keep up or get ahead of what the inmates are doing.

Male user Canusxiii 116 posts

Bad choice of words “Running the real race of contraband control”. Is a daily job with me checking the dorms.The inmates are always thinking about bringing in contraband into the facility.If we drop or guard.We will lose control.
Even if I haven’t found any contraband on a daily basis,I still keep them on their toes;making my rounds,noticing anything unusual ;loud noises,radios on full blast ,they are supposed to wear headsets they can buy from the canteen or lower the volume.A whole list of things really to keep the inmates on their toes.
A race I wouldn’t call it.One of the ways we deal with the contraband issues when manpower alloweds it;plenty of unassigned officers,5 or more a search team is set up.to search particular areas for that day;an officer might noticed a tattoo on am inmate arm that he knows from dealing with him on a daily basis he never have on that arm before,a few of the things we deal with everyday.
Nope is not a race.am officer that is vigilant and one that searches with religious fervor for contraband and has a daily count of drugs,shanks,cell phones are both doing their job.Compared to those that don’t bother, the inmates know with whom they can get away with bringing contraband into the prison.is a job that will never go away…..

Correction officer jamestown0509 313 posts

Here is another article I commented about on corrections.com:

“Running the real race of contraband control”

1. jamestown0509 on 06/23/2012:
Finding contraband is NOT running a race. Finding contraband in a jail or prison is a daily job, it’s something we have to look for all the time because inmates are always thinking of ways to get contraband into the facility.

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