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Cultural diversity


Subscribe to Cultural diversity 6 posts, 6 voices

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Male user sam 5 posts

I’ve also taught in-service academy and pre-service classes about cutural diverisity for our Office. You are welcome to text me at 801-231-1527 and we’ll talk.
Thanks, Sam.

Male user Jspen2222 1 post

I am the Diversity/Civil Rights Officer for the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office.(MA)
I have done a number of Diversity Trainings
I can be reached at 978-932-3311

Female user Trainer Rodr... 1 post

Good Afternoon,
May I suggest you visit the library of the National Institute of Correction’s website: www.nicic.org? The library contains many lesson plans on this topic for this specific audience. I suggest that you first offer some cultural “awareness” training before doing anything else? Your participants need to know how they feel and/or react to differences in a culturally diverse environment. Good Luck.

Female user Sekhmet 1 post

Better yet, since the criminal justice system is heavily weighted against minorities why not contact a minority speaker who has more insight and information? Try runokorashidi@yahoo.com and see if he can whip up a down to earth program for you that inmates and officers alike can understand. He travels the world visiting universities from Cairo to Kokomo giving lectures on African and minority history, so this diversity education would be a breeze for him.

Male user garyhill 1 post

Let me suggest you contact the Anti-defamation League (ADL) and they will help you tailor a program specific to your area – which can be modified as populations change. You can find a contact for them (and a explanation of their diversity training) at: http://www.adl.org/education/edu_awod/awod_diversity_training.asp.

Male user t dipietro 1 post


i’m looking for any info or powerpoint presentations in ref to cultural diversity. this will be used for a yearly in service training class of new and veteran correction officers.

any info provided is greatly appreciated. please email

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