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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


No doubt, safety is a high priority for any facility: safety for the public, for fellow corrections practitioners and for inmates. Enforcing it, though, can be determined and achieved in many ways, which might work for some facilities but not others.

Reporter, Ann Coppola, brings to light the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Voluntary Protection Program, which promotes the highest standards of workplace safety, and how more correctional facilities are utilizing this program to methodize their own safety practices.
Editor, Corrections.com

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Safe and sound

By Ann Coppola

Top notch safety

Safety monitor is traditionally one of the more coveted jobs by elementary school students. They get all the glory with little responsibility, while the other kids are assigned to washing chalkboards or the dreaded task of putting up chairs at the end of the day. A safe working environment, though, requires a lot of responsibility, and thankfully, it now comes with some recognition too.

The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) is the gold standard of workplace safety. To get into the program, workplaces must submit a written safety and health plan to OSHA. If selected, OSHA sends a team of safety and health experts to each site for a rigorous evaluation before deciding on a participant. Full Story

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Regarding Keeping the faith, 2/26/08

The main hurdle I see in working with the faith based community is their tendency to become a pawn in circumventing the rules. I'm surprised this issue was not mentioned in the article.
Nelson Barss, Cold Springs W.C., Greenville, VA

Regarding Leaders vs. Managers, 2/24/08

This is a very timely and well written article and certainly challenges us to move from our comfort zones and take on the challenges that will impact us all in the years to come.
Deloris Glymph, SCDOC

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Mother and child reunion

The District of Columbia’s Department of Corrections transferred its female offenders from the D.C. Jail to its Correctional Treatment Facility, which is privately managed by the Corrections Corporation of America, in an effort to provide this population with a more palatable and accommodating setting. Full story

Fear factory: Contemplating trepidation in corrections

It was the most terrifying twenty minutes of his life. He was confronted by three people with incessant questions. Full story

Community care

On January 2, the Marion County (Fl) Sheriff’s Office launched Ocala Community Care (OCC), a community-based, not-for-profit organiza- tion charged with providing health care to the county’s 2,000 jail inmates, replacing the for- profit contractor that formerly managed the jail’s medical unit. Full story


Bob Barker Company adds complete first aid system

Bob Barker Company recently announced the addition of the All-Ready Complete First Aid System to their extensive line of detention products. More

Bob Barker Company to Give $5,000 Grand Prize to the “Biggest Winner”

The nearly 200 employees at Bob Barker Company have an exciting challenge in front of them and plenty of incentive to go with it. More

The nearly 200 employees at Bob Barker Company now have access to 3,500 world-class online business and computer training courses with the implementation of an e-Learning program.

The nearly 200 employees at Bob Barker Company now have access to 3,500 world-class online business and computer training courses with the implementation of an e-Learning program. More


Kavanagh named director for Md. county

Former Howard County Department of Corrections Deputy Director, Jack Kavanagh, has become the department’s director. He also will be the Howard County Detention Center warden. Full story

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48th annual NAAWS Training Conference, “Corrections in Action,”

The North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents (NAAWS), in conjunction with the Ohio Wardens and Superintendents Association, invite you to join them at the 48th annual NAAWS Training Conference, “Corrections in Action,” April 9 - 12, 2008.

Program highlights include:

  • Exciting downtown location
  • Free shuttle service to area attractions, restaurants and sporting venues
  • $82.00 per night room rate
  • Featured workshops on Juvenile Corrections and Institutional Security
  • Large exhibit show
  • Online room reservation system
  • Free wireless Internet everywhere!

Check out the exciting conference schedule or register now!

Vendors , find more information here.

Don’t miss the 48th annual NAAWS Training Conference,
“Corrections in Action,” April 9 - 12, 2008.

Verbal Judo - Excellence in Tactical Communications

Date: 4/14/08
Goals Of This Course - Conflict Management, Enhance Personal Safety, Diffuse Potentially Dangerous Situations, and more. More

Rapid HIV Testing & Diagnosing Acute HIV Infection

Date: 4/16/08
A live satellite video conference & Webcast on Rapid HIV Testing & Diagnosing Acute HIV Infection More

Caribbean Corrections Summit 2008

Date: 4/21 - 24/08
Please accept this as a personal invitation to attend the 2nd Annual Caribbean Corrections Summit in Nassau, Bahamas. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Corporal Alfreda Skinner-Rolle, Chairperson at (242) 364-9885/364-9855/426-1057 or Email: bahamasfaye@hotmail.com. More


"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
- Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900), Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and author of short stories.


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