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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


There's not a corrections practitioner in the world who wants to be faced with any unknowns in their facility. To be safe they need to know, and see, just about everything that's going on at all times. That was the inspiration behind this week's subject about a facility design that eliminates blind spots. If it can be built, it might be the next great idea whose time has come.
Editor, Corrections.com

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Out, out blind spot

By Ann Coppola

Eliminating the unknown

Somewhere along the way, the word “inventor” lost its cutting edge. What once implied someone imagining futuristic new ideas now brings to mind Thomas Edison hunched over his desk by light of a single burning candle. Inventing these days might seem like nothing more than a romantic notion, but all it really takes is seeing a need for change and having the guts to do something about it.

“People think that in most jails, inmates are constantly supervised, either by an officer or security camera, but that’s just not the case,” says Sonny Emerson, a modern American inventor and corrections veteran.

The reason for this, he explains, are “blind spots,” or places where inmate activity can take place outside the view of a security camera or officer. Blind spots can allow suicide attempts, rapes, and other attacks to go unwitnessed and undocumented. But Emerson’s OmniView jail design, which allows for the filming and archiving of every movement and square inch inside a facility, could be the first invention to eliminate these structural hideaways.

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Innovative programs and performers in corrections

Architecture/Facility Highlights

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