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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


We continue with the positive impact corrections practitioners have on their community. From rebuilding hurricane ravaged playgrounds to supporting libraries, feeding the homeless and helping American soldiers in Iraq, the folks who make these things happen should be proud. Their stories have been inspiring and exemplary. Many thanks to those who contributed.
Editor, Corrections.com

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Return of the Community heroes

By the Corrections Community

Serving above and beyond

Editor's Note: When we asked for stories about the good corrections folks do, we received a variety of wonderful essays from states nationwide, including Nevada, Alabama, Oregon, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Florida, and many more. In the final part this week we continue these stories.


Five-star mom

Deborah Rivers has been an Allendale Correctional Institution/South Carolina Department of Corrections employee since October, 2007, as an Administrative Specialist B in the Operations Area. She is involved with several different groups pertaining to our military including president of the Lowcountry Blue Star Moms Chapter 6, which is a division of the National Blue Star Mothers of America.

She is also Vice President of the American Legion Auxiliary in Hampton, a Gold Star Mother, and founder of an online Gold Star Families Support Group. The Blue Star Mothers consist of mothers and family members who have lost a child or family member in the military. Gold Star Mothers are those who have lost a child in the war. Full Story

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I enjoy your articles and share them with other COs. It's good to know there are others who deal with similar situations and I enjoy hearing their stories. Great work!!

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Developing Stories

Upcoming stories on Corrections.com and the Corrections Connection ezine

  • Battling MRSA
  • No blind spot technology
  • The power of faith

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Focus Issues 2008

The corrections impact on the community and innovative programs and performers in corrections

Architecture/Facility Highlights

International Flair - Corrections programs around the world

Submit an idea for a focus issue or send us your article


The corrections connection to gang investigators

After being appointed as the first detective in charge of investigating crimes committed within the Bergen County (NJ) Correctional System, I realized the importance of the task at hand. Full story

Promoting corrections

Last spring, I attended a meeting on promoting community corrections in Lexington, Ky. Full story

Community heroes

We wanted to know how those in the corrections field impact their community beyond the expected responsibility of keeping the population safe. Full story


BINJ Laboratories

BINJ Laboratories, Inc. is an innovative technology company that specializes in cell phone and signal detection, defense electronics, and corrections and public safety communications. Led by three electronic warfare engineers with over 100 years in system engineering experience, BINJ Labs has developed a first-of-its-kind, wireless Cell Phone Detection System under the direction of corrections technologists from the Federal Bureau of Prison, New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts Department of Corrections. Learn more.

Specific Bag Becomes Part of Pacific Concepts

Pacific Concepts, Americas leading supplier of soft storage items for the corrections industry, is pleased to announce that Specific Bag has become part of its operation. More

NaphCare, Inc. announces new contract with Hamilton County, Ohio

NaphCare, Inc. a Birmingham - based provider of correctional health care, was recently awarded a contract for the Hamilton County Corrections System in Cincinnati, Ohio. More

Bob Barker Company appoints Greta Roach as marketing manager

Bob Barker Company recently announced the appointment of Greta Roach to the role of marketing manager. Greta will be responsible for developing marketing strategies and executing the production of the company's extensive product catalog. More


Vail WADOC Secretary

Eldon Vail, who has been the Washington Department of Corrections interim secretary since November 24, was named its secretary by Governor Chris Gregoire. Full story

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CISM: Families & CISM

Date: 1/28 - 1/29/08
CISM practitioners will obtain the tools they need to develop comprehensive programming for proactive, reactive and CISM maintenance for family services.More

Virginia Tech Terror

Date: 1/30/08
Presentation Topics Include: - The Shooter: Cho's Background & Cho's Tactics - Events of That Day - The Response - Assessment of Training, Preparation & Response. More

Terror at Beslan: The Beslan School Terrorist Siege & Lessons for America

Date: 2/6/08
Get insight into how the terrorists’ plan was formed, intelligence developed for the assault, defenses deployed, and how ultimately negotiations failed and why. More


"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."
- Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865), sixteenth President of the United States


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