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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


We continue this month’s security focus with a discussion on riot control strategies from Corrections.com columnist Joe Marchese. He shares successful containment tactics of the New York Police Department. The NYPD certainly may face different scenarios and dangers from those walking the lines inside a correctional facility, but any fundamental that controls danger and protects citizens is always worth examining.

Tell us what you think at editor@corrections.com.


Thoughts from the command center: Strategizing for control

By Joseph J. Marchese

Minimizing and maintaining during chaos

One of the most significant findings in the McKay Commission report on the 1971 hostage situation at the Attica Correctional Facility in upstate New York had to do with the magnitude of the inmate take over. While Attica had emergency plans for minor insurrections, it did not have a plan for the type of large scale inmate take over that occurred.

While the insurrection at Attica happened more than 35 years ago, this same comment continues to appear in official reports on facility disturbances. The need to prevent large facility takeovers is one of the most important lessons we have learned from history and therefore must be reflected in the development of every facility emergency response plan.

Battling to regain control of facility areas taken over by inmates is a game of inches and is best addressed proactively by limiting the area seized in the first place. When an inmate disturbance spreads from one area to another, each section of lost ground represents additional challenges for responders . More

Have a story idea or article? Send them to editor@corrections.com.


Regarding Shining Stars, 5/23/07

Thanks for taking time to write that up. It is so important to let [corrections practitioners] know that they are doing a great job.
JS, Massachusetts

It is great that COs are getting recognition. Thanks so much for publishing an article about the work they do and the awards they deserve.
MM, New Jersey

Letters to the editor can be sent to editor@corrections.com.
Please reference the article when sending a comment.


Developing Stories

Upcoming stories on Corrections.com and the Corrections Connection ezine

  • Hostage survival tips
  • The transition factor
  • Identifying mental illness

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Focus Issues 2007

Technology and Security - new technology, conferences

Threat Groups - gangs, procedures on managing, avoiding

Off the Clock - What practitioners do in their leisure time

We are currently accepting submissions for all issues.



Shining Stars

This May DOCs across the country celebrated their employees, recognized the highest achievers and also held ceremonies honoring those who have given their lives in the line of duty. More

Providing the resources - Eye On a corrections librarian

Imagine a job where you get to be a detective, educator and security officer all in one, where helping and guiding others is a daily responsibility. More

Mind & Heart: Are you really listening?

The people-management nature of correctional work necessitates and rewards taking charge of situations. Being in control, however, often gets mistaken for talking “at” people and having the last word. In reality though, being in charge often requires kicking back and listening to others. More


American Jail Association

The American Jail Association (AJA) is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting those who work in and operate our nation’s jails. AJA’s goal is to provide the best and most current information available through our American Jails magazine, extensive training seminars and publications containing information the jail professionals rely on. Learn more.

PCS Awarded the San Diego County Sheriff's Detention Facilities, California Inmate Telephone Service Contract

Public Communications Services, Inc. the industry leader in providing inmate communications solutions to the corrections industry, is pleased to announce that San Diego County, California Sheriff's Department has signed a 3 year contract with PCS, Inc. for their inmate telephone services. More

American Assn. of Anger Management Providers elects new president

The American Association of Anger Management Providers appoints a number one rated Anderson and Anderson anger management provider–Carlos R. Todd, as President. More

Triton Industries announces corporate membership

Triton Industries, Inc. located in Chicago Illinois has announced that it has become a corporate member of Corrections.com. More


New director of emergency response operations

Indiana Department of Correction Commissioner, J. David Donahue, recently appointed Michael A. Jayne Director of Emergency Response Operations. Read more

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Correctional Security Conference

Corrections Professionals--Join your colleagues from all across the country at the 4th Annual Correctional Security Conference to be held Sunday, September 30th--Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at the Millennium Hotel in Cincinnati, OH. This annual conference is designed to specifically address correctional security issues and is tailored for correctional supervisors, correctional services administrators, intelligence officers, wardens and superintendents. The theme for this year's event is: "From Towers to Technology: Safety and Security Through Technology and Training".

Are you an vendor of correctional security products or services? Then this is the right venue for you to share your information with experienced corrections professionals! Exhibit fees are only $495.

For more information on the conference and/or to submit a presentation proposal, please visit our website at www.correctionalsecurity.org to download the conference registration brochure or contact

Becky Ritchey, Conference Director at 859-622-6163 or ekutrc@aol.com

BJA Regional Information Sharing Conference

Date: 6/4/07 - 6/6/07
State and county executives, managers and implementers sharing key developments in the critical areas of information sharing policy; privacy and security; coordinating broad-based information-sharing initiatives; and the latest technologies and standards. More

8th Annual Innovative Technologies for Community Corrections Conference

Date: 6/4/07 - 6/6/07
The conference explores practical applications of innovative technologies, as well as technologies not yet available, but on the horizon. More

National Juvenile Services Training Institute

Date: 6/9/07 - 6/13/07
Intensive training program for line staff and middle managers in juvenile confinement facilities. More

5th Annual International Gang Conference

Date: 6/11/07 - 6/15/07
Instructors will speak on Gangs 101, Prevention and Intervention, the Hip-Hop Culture, Mid-West and Chicago Gangs, Latin Kings, Native American Gangs, Aryan Brotherhood, East Coast Gangs, Supervising Gang Units, Mara Salvatrucha, Surenos, Drug Cartels, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, Gangs in the Military, Mexican Mafia, and Nuestra Familia prison gang. More


Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
- Albert Einstein


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