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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


How to get rid of anxiety and fear?

>>what's your opinion?

One aspect of anxiety is racing thoughts that won’t go away. Meditation helps with this part of the problem by quieting the overactive mind. Instead of buying into your fearful thoughts, you can start identifying with the silence that exists between every mental action. Through regular practice, you experience that you’re not simply your thoughts and feelings... full thread


Charity and Volunteerism

Terry Campbell
One of our February topics is Charity and Volunteerism. If you work in the corrections field, then you should be familiar with the use of volunteers. Corrections agencies have a system and process in place to hire volunteers. The volunteer hours are monitored and become part of a report. These hours, if monetarily reimbursed, would add up to a tremendous amount of money... full story

Also this week:


featured job

Corrections Officer

Provides security for inmates housed at the Jackson County Detention Center. The employee must follow written procedures and guidelines in the department’s policy and procedure manual. The incumbent may be assigned to different posts, areas and shifts depending upon the needs of the operation. Overtime is required and the employee is subject to being called in when staffing shortages, department emergencies arise...

full job posting


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quote of the week

"There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart."
– Charles Dickens


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