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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Benefits of Yoga

>>what's your opinion?

I don’t do yoga but physical activity in corrections is a must. Not only dose it help with the getting stiff from waiting for something to happen I find that my emotional state is much better when I am in shape and physically fit... full thread


Beware the Compliance Trap. It will catch the unwary...

Jeffrey E. Keller MD
I had yet another patient recently who demonstrated what I call the “Compliance Trap” of corrections. The Compliance Trap is simply this—on the outside of jail, in the real world, most people do not take their medications perfectly. They miss doses. They forget sometimes. Many studies have demonstrated this. But when these same people come to jail, they get their medications passed to them every dose—they do not miss doses. They are compliant with their medication dosing in a way they weren’t on the outside. And this can sometimes get them into trouble... .. full story

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Assists in the planning, direction and supervision of the work of clerical and paraprofessional personnel. Assists in training new personnel in library work. Provides specialized reference, reader's advisory and research services. Performs professional library functions such as "weeding," selection of materials, acquisitions, cataloging, classification of library materials, preparations and physical maintenance of library materials and circulation...

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quote of the week

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
– John C. Maxwell


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