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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Armory Location

>>what's your opinion?

The main armory should be outside the perimeter. Depending on the state there are policies that say just that. In Ohio we must have the main armory outside the compound for lethal weapons. We can store less than lethal in a ready armory in our control centers... full thread


Then and Now: Why Women are Integral to A Successful Corrections System

Gary York
The first certified female corrections officer in the state of Florida was Eva Lee Mitchell who started working in 1970. This was the year in Florida that women and minorities began to come into the agency in greater numbers. With the number of female inmates on the rise, Florida had the first correctional officer graduating class that included women in 1970. For Florida as well as many other states this was the beginning of history for women in uniform within the corrections field. It would prove to be a positive move. Woman did work with female inmates prior to 1970 but not in certified positions. In some states before women could attend the correctional academy they were called “Prison Matrons”, women who worked with female inmates... full story

Also this week:


  • February – Minority Issues – Challenges of managing minority populations, challenges minority practitioners face editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Vocational Instructor

The Vocational Instructor performs instructional services of vocational and/or occupational subjects, such as business, computers/technology, carpentry, plumbing and trades which are designed to help inmates/students learn specified subject matter and acquire vocational skills...

full job posting


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quote of the week

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."
– Thomas Merton


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