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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


How are group home educational services delivered?

>>what's your opinion?

Depends on the size of the placement home, the restrictions or level of group home, the child’s needs, etc. Most low level step down from incarceration group homes try to re-integrate the youth back into the community which requires them attending public schools. Obviously, this varies from state to state, and from child to child... full thread


The Mental Health Crisis in the Corrections Profession: An Old Problem Still Unsolved

Robert Winters, JD
One of the most significant crises facing the corrections profession is the mental health of correctional officers and other staff members. The crisis is no secret—it has been discussed on this site, for example, more than once over the past few years. Yet it persists, and because of the toll it takes on those who serve in this field, it deserves continued focus. One expert has opined that the correctional profession’s attitudes towards mental health are roughly where those of the U.S. military were 10 to 15 years ago, and the point is not only valid but meaningful... full story

Also this week:


  • January – Crisis & High Risk Offenders – Coverage of industry crises & high risk offenders editor@corrections.com]

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Corrections Officer Trainee

To enforce discipline, orderly behavior and the confinement of incarcerated inmates to provide the appropriate level of public and institutional safety. Also to perform duties required of assigned posts and/or programs. ..

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quote of the week

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
– Martin Luther King, Jr.


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