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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Crime and "Punishment" in Modern Corrections

>>what's your opinion?

Our Correctional system is NOT designed nor is it supposed to be used to “punish criminals”. Our current system is a product of hundreds of years of philosophy with regards to crime and “punishment” and as a result tends to focus on two main objectives... full thread


Ethics and Heroes

Terry Campbell
Our topic for December includes two topics: ethics and heroes. I elected to begin with ‘Heroes.’ I feel that workers employed in the field of corrections; regardless if in uniform or non-uniform are unsung heroes. It takes a special person to perform the daily duties and responsibilities while being firm, fair, and consistent. This includes working with many difficult offenders and situations that can become very volatile in the blink of an eye. Officers and staff are exposed to daily violence, verbal abuse, threats, and other issues on a daily basis. Yet throughout the shift they are required to remain professional and this is just part of an ordinary day... full story

Also this week:


  • December – Ethics & Heroes – Coverage of Ethics issues and stories of heroes in corrections editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Correctional Officer

To provide care, custody and control of inmates...

full job posting


biz news

quote of the week

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
– Anne Frank


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