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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Men working in womens prison

>>what's your opinion?

I’m a male and I’m planning on working in a womens prison. Any advice? Thanks.. full thread


“Policing 101” Also Means “Corrections 101”

Gary F. Cornelius
In terms of law enforcement race relations, it has been a rough year for both police officers and the communities in which they serve. The unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, New York City and most recently Baltimore, Maryland have turned much attention to the subject of law enforcement and race relations... .. full story

Also this week:


featured job

Jail Technician (Alternative Sentencing Coordinator)

Reviews and processes all court commitments for individuals sentenced to serve county or state jail time; meets with sentenced individuals to determine whether the person is eligible for Work Release, Sheriff's Labor Detail (SLD), Sheriff's Community Service (SCS), Electronic Monitoring (EM), or straight or interim/weekend jail time; generates affidavits for noncompliance of individuals sentenced to serve straight time or participate in programs; assists in the placement management of sentenced individuals to improve compliance to sentencing requirements, and performs related duties as required. This position is located in the Ada County Sheriff's Office, Court Services Bureau, and the Ada County Courthouse...

full job posting


biz news

quote of the week

"More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went."
– Roger Babson


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