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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


The Academy: Getting Started

>>what's your opinion?

benning boy:
End of week one. The Captain running training has been beyond super. The man gets it. We’ve toured the blocks. We were asked before we got there if anyone was scared. None of us admitted it. The Captain told us that his first time, he was.... full thread


Correctional Officer – the Human Beast

Carl ToersBijns
As correctional officers we are classified as homo-sapiens and although part of the animal food chain we are by far the wisest and most intellectual being there is – so it has been said. However, as humans we are not the fastest or strongest animal on this earth. There are many others that outmatch us as there are commonalities but yet lesser senses to deal with those things around you. Hence there is a metaphoric shapeshift that occurs when you don on the uniform and badge of the correctional officer and those senses are enhanced tenfold to allow you survival skills and management skills that will carry you through your tour of duty without much difficulties most of the time... full story

Also this week:


  • July – Women in Corrections – Profiling successful women practitioners and focusing on issues they face editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Provides medically necessary treatment and rehabilitative services to children/youth and their family or surrogate caregiver(s) with an emphasis on Medication/ Somatic and Diagnostic/Assessment services. Provides other core services or specialty services as appropriate including crisis services and treatment of individuals with co-occurring disorders. Completes psychiatric assessments utilizing the five axis DSM IV system or its current equivalent. Works closely with family members and other members of a multi-disciplinary treatment team. Screens for medical problems or risks and refers children youth to appropriate non-psychiatric care. ...

full job posting


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quote of the week

" Believe you can and you’re halfway there. "
– Theodore Roosevelt


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