This Week's Corrections Connection
Wednesday | May 16, 2007
If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to pull off an event that involves 1,700 participants who come from all over the world to experience battling lacrosse players, shooting pepper balls, and frantic nighttime chaos, you’ll enjoy this week’s article about OLETC’s mock riot by our newest reporter Ann Coppola. However, we don’t recommend trying any of the riot’s latest scenarios at home or your workplace.
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Writing the riot playbook
By Ann Coppola
What it takes to create organized chaos.
The eleventh annual Mock Prison Riot at the former West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville, West Virginia wrapped up last week with record-breaking attendance, groundbreaking technology demonstrations, and even a parade. So what are the masterminds behind the event doing to celebrate? They’re planning for next year.
The riot, which drew an estimated 1,700 participants this year, offered three non-stop days of free training scenarios, workshops and certification classes for teams from corrections departments and other law enforcement agencies. In addition, vendors from around the world came to showcase new law enforcement technology.
“This is a huge undertaking,” says Steve Morrison, director of the Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization (OLETC), which, along with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and the National Corrections and Law Enforcement Training and Technology Center (NCLETTC), sponsors the riot.
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Regarding Foundations - We are who they say we are, 4/29/07
I cannot agree more with this theme. Corrections for some reason, most likely self identity, allows itself to have its missions and agendas dictated by outsiders, such as health care, mental health, lawyers, oversight agencies and educators. These professionals, who deserve respect, should be there to assist and augment correction operations.
Corrections for its part needs to assert its own identity and purpose and communicate its role to the world, no matter how unglamorous. Essentially, correction must learn to speak for itself. This is my view after more than 23 years of uniformed service in New York City.
John Murphy
Captain, NYC Department of Correction
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Focus Issues 2007
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Inquiring when hiring
On the flatlands of northern Nevada, roughly 14,000 wild horses run free. They make up 60 percent of the feral horse population in the U.S., and are big business in Nevada, where they can be sold for ranch work, horse shows or riding off into the sunset. But first they must be tamed. More
So you want to podcast?
We started podcasting in October of 2006. As the chair of the website committee for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, it was our desire to add audio and video content to our redesigned website, The new site will be up and running this summer. More
On the Blocks – Training days past and present
It was 1982 and my first day as a CO working at the largest medium security prison in Massachusetts. I had just completed two weeks of “training”, the majority of which centered around not getting fired; don’t take sick leave, don’t come in late, don’t ask stupid questions, read your post orders and policies, obey orders, keep you’re gig line straight and your uniform sharp. More
American Jail Association
The American Jail Association (AJA) is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting those who work in and operate our nation’s jails. AJA’s goal is to provide the best and most current information available through our American Jails magazine, extensive training seminars and publications containing information the jail professionals rely on.
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American Assn. of Anger Management Providers elects new president
The American Association of Anger Management Providers appoints a number one rated Anderson and Anderson anger management provider–Carlos R. Todd, as President. More
Triton Industries announces corporate membership
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American Correctional Health Services Association (ACHSA) to hold national roundtable on medication assisted therapy and harm reduction in correctional settings
Announcing a National Roundtable Meeting on Medication Assisted Therapy and Harm Reduction in Correctional Settings to be held on June 4, 2007 in conjunction with the American Correctional Health Services Association (ACHSA) 2007 Multidisciplinary Professional Development Conference in Reno, Nevada June 5-7, 2007. More
New Indiana director, superintendentAl Parke, an eight-year Indiana Department of Correction veteran and recent superintendent of the Putnamville Correctional Facility, will become the INDOC’s new southern regional director on May 27, 2007. Michael J. Osburn will take over for Parke as Putnamville’s new superintendent.More |
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AJA's 26th Annual Training Conference and Jail Expo
Date: 5/20/07 - 5/24/07
Goals of AJA’s Annual Training Conference and Jail Expo: To educate corrections professionals on new topics to enhance the operation of their facilities, More
Verbal Judo: Excellence in Tactical Communications
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Sailing Into The Future With Success
Date: 6/3/07 - 6/6/07
MASCA is proud to announce their annual Conference which will be held at the Mystic Marriott Hotel and Spa, located in Groton, Connecticut. The conference will provide informative workshops and networking opportunities for all individuals that interact within the Judicial process. More
BJA Regional Information Sharing Conference
Date: 6/4/07 - 6/6/07
State and county executives, managers and implementers sharing key developments in the critical areas of information sharing policy; privacy and security; coordinating broad-based information-sharing initiatives; and the latest technologies and standards. More
Accomplishment is easiest when we work the hardest, and it is hardest when we work the easiest.
- Unknown