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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Newbie female working in male institution

>>what's your opinion?

First, for the newer C/O, as one other stated here….personality of course starts within. Don’t try to be like the next one on the shift or your partner. I know you’ve heard it, but be yourself. Find what works good for you. As others said you also ‘Do Not’ have to cuss like a sailor or trucker. In fact you don’t have to at all. I’ll tell ya a short story here, back in the 80’s ... full thread


Bringing Environmental Consciousness to Corrections

By Robert Winters, JD, Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Kaplan University
The environmental or “green” movement has a long history in the United States. However, the level of sophistication has gradually increased as social consciousness of the issue has grown. Forty years ago the shoulders of America’s highways were strewn with trash; readers of “a certain age” may remember public service messages featuring a tearful Chief Iron Eyes Cody and his silent plea to end littering. The Clean Air Act dates to 1963, but true pollution control was not implemented until 1970. The Clean Water Act dates only to 1972. The Environmental Protection Agency was not established until 1970.

Those were some of the first tentative (albeit vital) steps toward protecting the environment. We have since progressed through extensive recycling efforts to awareness of the carbon footprints of various industries and activities to a broad focus on sustainable living. The corrections field is no exception, and here environmental consciousness is growing. ... full story

Also this week:


  • July – Innovation – People/ideas that move corrections forward [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Sheriff's Telecommunicator - Hennepin County - Minnesota

The Hennepin County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) is the largest Sheriff's Office in Minnesota with over 750 employees. It is headquartered in downtown Minneapolis with division and unit facilities throughout Hennepin County. The HCSO is dedicated to increasing public safety through leadership, integrity, and strong partnerships.

This position is recruitment critical and eligible for an employee referral bonus. Current Hennepin County employees who refer candidates may be eligible for a $500.00 referral bonus. ...

full job posting


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quote of the week

"Always do what you are afraid to do."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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