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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Cell Searches

>>what's your opinion?

...when we do searches we cuff the inmates before we open the cells. The searches are down by two officers and one watches the inmate while the other searches. This helps avoid the inmate cornering you in the cell and makes it harder for him to pull any weapons or anything he may have hidden on himself before the door is open ... full thread


Corrections Officer: Determination, Dedication, Discipline

By Mark Butler and Jessica Herbert
In one minute, you are conducting routine cell checks. Next you are responding to a backup call for an inmate fight in a block. Later, you are attempting to communicate with a mentally ill patient that is pulling “bugs” out of their skin. Next you are giving advice to an inmate who is suicidal or is depressed over their incarceration. You encounter people who love you, people who hate you, people who want to cause you harm and people that thank you – and all this is in one day.

The academy tries to duplicate these situations in training. A field training officer struggles to frame these circumstances for each new recruit and offer ways to manage. ... full story

Also this week:


  • July – Innovation – People/ideas that move corrections forward [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Jail Administrator - Dallam Hartley County Jail - Texas

Dallam Hartley county jail is a 52 bed facility. It was upgraded in 2006. It is the regional dispatch center for the two countys and three cities. There are 19 jailers, 5 dispatchers and 2 civilian employees. Salary is comiserate with qualifications and experience, prefer Texas jail licensed. The Jail Administrator handles the daily operation of the jail,budget requests,hiring of jailers, ...

full job posting


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quote of the week

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives.""
- Braveheart


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