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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Newbie female working in male institution

>>what's your opinion?

This job will change you. I’ve been working for a few years and to be honest, regardless of your perspective, your positive attitude will become strained by the b.s. On a personal note, I have taken notice of my general attitude when dealing with people outside of an institution, and more times than not, it can become more difficult for you to adapt to your loved-ones and family after you have some time in. Granted, I am extremely thankful for my career in corrections, and I love being a Corrections Officer, but do take care that you ‘leave it at the clock.’ When you leave, try to flip a switch mentally to being your entire self. ... full thread


Talking to Youth About Gangs

By National Gang Center Quarterly Newsletter - Spring 2013
In communities with gang issues, youth receive many complex messages every day in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods. Gangs should be avoided, and yet they seem to offer power, support, prestige, and economic incentives to their members. Some adults give conflicting messages about gangs and may even accept money from the illicit activities of gangs, while expressing dismay at youth gang involvement.

Adults often feel uncomfortable discussing sensitive issues like gangs and violence with young people. However, if youth are encountering gangs in the school or community, they need opportunities to talk candidly about these issues with adults. ... full story

Also this week:


  • June – From the Inside – Stories from Agency news letters [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Corrections Officer - Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office - Washington


SAVE THIS DATE: Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Bureau (in Everett, Washington) is testing for entry-level Corrections Deputies. To be considered, candidates must apply online by the closing date 11:59 pm June 12, 2013.

Candidates whose online application materials meet the minimum requirements will be invited to the June 29, 2013 Physical Ability Test (PAT). Candidates who successfully complete the PAT will also be invited to a written exam that will be held that same day.

full job posting


biz news

quote of the week

"Risk more than others think is safe ~ Care more than others think is wise ~ Dream more than others think is practical ~ Expect more than others think is possible.."
- Unknown


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