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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


In Memory of Barb Glaser

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Barb Glaser, a 35 year veteren of Douglas County Correctons, the longest reigning jail employee was killed in an accident on 02/18/2013. She was a pioneer for womens correctional officers in Douglas County Jail ending as the Programs Manager. She was getting ready to retire when her own car rolled on top of her in a snowy driveway. She was and still is a model of proffesionalism in Corrections for all that follow.Our prayers and hopes go out to all in her family, including the Corrections family everywhere. I was priveledged to have worked with her for 17 years, and I am better for it. Thanks Barb, see you at the Lord’s guard mount. full thread


Corrections Professionals Make a Difference

By By Robert Lampert, Director Wyoming Department of Corrections

As individuals and communities, we often remember to thank those public servants, such as police, fire fighters, EMT’s and military service men and women, who keep us safe. But, there is another group of public servants, who play a critical role in our day to day safety, that receive little or no daily recognition: corrections professionals.

May 6-10 will be observed in Wyoming as Correctional Professionals’ Week. I hope you will join me in recognizing these hard working professionals who do an extremely difficult job very well. ... full story

Also this week:


  • May – Education and Training – What's new, conference coverage [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Correctional Officer I - Wichita Falls, TX - Texas Department of Criminal Justice


Performs entry level work involving the care and custody of offenders. Work involves training in officer and offender relations, security, and corrections management. Works under close supervision with minimal latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment.


Attends pre-service training programs at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Correctional Training Academy and receives on-the-job training while working with experienced correctional officers at the assigned facility. ...

full job posting


biz news

quote of the week

"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all that you are traveling for."
- Louis L'Amour


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