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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Women Working With Male Inmates

>>what's your opinion?

I haven’t had any problems regarding management when it came to doing my job. There have been countless times I have had to go in the showers or bathrooms at the last facility I was at housed level 1 and 2 inmates – dorm style. If I was doing a round I always checked those areas since the inmates never thought I would, andI was able to catch em doing alot of .. well the normal things inmates do when they think no one is looking :) I’m currently at a level 3 pod style facility, and as long as it’s in my job duties I haven’t had any issues when it came to their so called “privacy”. I haven’t done a strip search, but being on constant watch or just making rounds you eventually end up seeing things you would rather not and just have to handle them accordingly. ... full thread


Leveraging Technology in the Management of Security Threat Groups

By Robert Winters, JD, Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Kaplan University

Setting aside recent state and federal budget issues that carry the potential for understaffed facilities, the predominant and growing security threat in U.S. correctional institutions is gang activity. Growing in both numbers and power, the various security threat groups (STGs) found in our prison system represent a major challenge for facilities and the state and federal systems as a whole. While there is no magic bullet to solve the STG problem, technology is increasingly being employed as an aid to both monitoring and management.

A study published in 2010 by John Winterdyk of Mount Royal University and Rick Ruddell of Eastern Kentucky University surveyed all state and federal correctional systems and two privatized systems.... full story

Also this week:


  • March – Security/Technology – New technology, conferences, managing gangs/threat groups [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Jail Administrator - Bexar County - Texas

The Bexar County Jail Administrator is responsible for managing a 4,600-bed Adult Detention Center and Annex to ensure its safe, secure, efficient, and professional operation; leads, directs and supervises over 900 uniform and civilian employees; prepares annual budget in excess of $55 million dollars; responsible for strategic planning and policy development and collaborates with community groups and nonprofit organizations.

The Jail Administrator is responsible for all jail operations, including security, booking, housing, classification, laundry, banking, commissary, property, inmate release, records, inmate grievance, inmate discipline, and inmate services. The position leads, supervises, trains, and evaluates approximately 900 uniform and civilian employees, including timekeeping, attendance, evaluations, promotions, and discipline in conjunction with the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Sheriff’s Civil Service Rules and Regulations; develops, implements and manages all levels of staff utilization and workforce effectiveness plans; directs the operation of the Adult Detention Facility and Annex within the scope of the approved budget, prepares the annual budget for the Adult Detention Center for the next fiscal year and analyzes costs and benefits of different levels of programs and operations. ...

full job posting


biz news

quote of the week

"Don't worry about avoiding temptation ... As you grow older, it will avoid you."
- Winston Churchill


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