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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Women working in Corrections

>>what's your opinion?

I am a retired female CO. Having worked for 18 years in state male prisons I have seen many a bad officer both male and female. I never once had an incident. Eight of those 18 years was in Ad Seg. Being a good officer either male are female is the clue. Females have to just do their jobs and do it everyday! No is no! Stay fair, stay right. Know your policies and procedures! Follow them everyday! Offenders respect you for that. Watch your back ... full thread


Leadership and the Jellyfish

By Bryan Avila, TDCJ Correctional Training Instructor - Sergeant of Correctional Officers

I once read a book called “The Leadership Challenge” by Kouzes & Posner which I found very profound when I started an introspective look at myself. Not just as a leader but from the perspective of a follower as well.

I wanted to know where I stood as well as where others stood that were supposed to be “leading” me. Early on I realized one very important thing: I was not being led. I didn’t have a leader and what I really had was a manager. Talk about a slap in the face. Even though I already knew that my “leader” had no backbone and was a walking jellyfish... full story

Also this week:


  • March – Security/Technology – New technology, conferences, managing gangs/threat groups [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

featured job

Corrections Administrative Supervisor - Orange County - Florida

Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university in Public Affairs, Science, Interdisciplinary studies, or closely related field and four (4) years of experience in human or community services, corrections, or a residential treatment facility. Three (3) years of supervisory experience in a jail, prison, or community corrections setting. Community services include counseling, employment, transitional, and other services.
Representative Duties: ...

full job posting


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quote of the week

"Self-conquest is the greatest of victories."
- Plato


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