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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Inmates don't always hate jail

>>what's your opinion?

I would like to see comments from my fellow COs on this. At another LE group I belong to a Professor started going after me saying I didn’t really know that inmates are like a “caged bird.” I went on the defensive and wrote back that after 22 years of being with inmates I really know what they think and why and they do not always hate jail. I have asked countless inmates the same question, “Why are you back here again, I thought you wanted to do something for yourself?” The answer is almost always the same, “I got arrested again for selling dope, for stealing a car, for robbing a business…etc.” So apparently some of the Professors and academia believe that inmates hate jail. Really? If that’s true why does an entire family get arrested time and time again for selling drugs? Why does an inmate who has been to state prison 10 times tell me he can’t WAIT to go back to state prison? What are your thoughts?
full thread


Suicide Prevention in Corrections: "Familiarity Breeds Contempt"

By David Stephens, PsyD, Dean, School of Professional Psychology, University of the Rockies.

All of us who work in corrections at any level are aware of the need to engage in suicide prevention activities in the facilities where we work. If you are an officer working in a jail or prison you likely (and hopefully!) have to complete suicide prevention training of some description on an annual basis, and so have at least basic familiarity with suicide risk and how to prevent it. If you are a correctional healthcare professional (medical and behavioral health), you probably have greater familiarity with the frequency of suicide and know what must be done when somebody becomes suicidal and is placed on suicide watch in your facility. In addition, you have probably had training on national standards for suicide screening and suicide prevention coming from either the American Correctional Association or the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare. full story

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Correctional Officer/Trainee - Indiana - Correctional Officer/Trainee

Correctional Officers/Trainees at Branchville Correctional Facility supervise adult, male offenders. The incumbent will be responsible for following post orders, maintaining order, supervising and controlling offenders and their activities. Correctional Facilities operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Officers work on an assigned shift in a specific unit/ or post under general supervision of a Correctional Sergeant. Correctional Officers maintain the security of the unit as well as the safety of staff and offenders while ensuring daily activities and programs proceed on schedule. Selected applicants will be hired as Correctional Officer Trainees earning $893 bi-weekly. New employees will remain in the trainee status until all required training is completed. Upon successful completion of training, employees will be classified as Correctional Officers and salary will be adjusted to $1,046.00 biweekly.

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"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong attitude"
- Thomas Jefferson


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