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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Background requested on Oklahoma United Aryan Brotherhood

>>what's your opinion?

SJ: I have been contacted to possibly assist as a gang identification consultant in a civil trial in Oklahoma that involves the CCA, a warden, a correctional officer, and possibly others.

The suit was filed by a member of the Oklahoma United Aryan Brotherhood who was severely beaten in his cell and he is claiming among other charges, neglegence. It is believed that the hit was carried out by another UAB member and was conducted for failure to fulfill a mission.

Like many of us, I have been aware of the UAB for years, but I need your help and am looking for the following specific information:
full thread


Taser! Taser! Taser!

By Marvin Preston, LT, NH DOC

These three words have changed our department’s use of force employment.

Sgt Steve Johnson stood behind me. I was supported by Capt Scott Lambertson and Lt Boynton. This was the moment I had been cautiously waiting for. I heard Steve say the three words but it seemed like time was slowing down with each one. Taser! T a s e r! T-a-s-e-r-r-r!. The first feeling I remember was the feeling like I was punched in my lower back. Then it felt like I was on fire. Then it seemed like it wasn’t going to end. My mind was racing, “get away from this!” and “Steve, TURN THAT THING OFF!” Neither happened and it was over. The longest 5 seconds of my life. But what was more important at that moment was that I had to make sure he didn’t pull that trigger again! full story

Also this week:


  • March – Security/Technology – New technology, conferences, managing gangs/threat groups [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

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Director – Chelan County Jail - Washington

Chelan County in Washington state is seeking a professional Administrator to serve as Director of the Regional Justice Center (Jail) located in Wenatchee, Washington.

The Director provides day to day management and development of 80 staff for a 383 bed jail, the only secure facility in a two county area of North Central Washington state. The Director is expected to demonstrate effective leadership and administrative principles, including labor negotiations, budgeting, planning and policy development. The Director works closely with other law enforcement leaders in the community to provide a professional corrections agency, responsive to the community needs. The Director will have a positive approach to problem-solving and be innovative in the development of correctional programs for the jail. This position is appointed and reports directly to the County Commissioners.

full job posting


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quote of the week

"Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last."
- Chinese Proverb


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