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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

The Three C's (Computers, Crime and Corrections)

Hackers, Crackers, Tramps and Thieves

The bottomline to this discussion, is corrections must do what we always do. Condemn the acts but not the individuals. Hackers, whatever the reasons, are offenders, not modern Robin Hoods.

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Where in the world are you

RonJr1970: Im a new officer. 3rd week of the academy. Will be assigned to the Nebraska State Penitentiary upon graduation and looking forward to this new career and life style.
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Do You Qualify with Your Emotions?—Part 1

By Caterina Spinaris Tudor, Ph.D.

Please consider how many times a year you have to shoot at offenders. Compare that with how many times weekly or even daily you may engage in tense verbal interactions with offenders, fellow staff or family members, and how many times these result in fierce arguments or other types of conflict.
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  • May – Education & Training – What’s new, conference coverage [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

education spotlight:

Earn Your Criminal Justice Degree where you can count John D. Rockefeller and Harvey Firestone as fellow Alumni

Founded in 1848, Chancellor University has notable alumni including industry tycoons John D. Rockefeller, Harvey Firestone and Theodore Ernst. A Criminal Justice Degree from Chancellor University is available 100% online and covers a broad spectrum of the criminal justice arena and prepares graduates for many different careers in law enforcement, security and corrections fields. If you are currently serving in law enforcement and have graduated from a state certified police academy, you also may qualify for up to 27 hours of block credit toward your degree. Chancellor University also offers a discounted public safety and military tuition rate of $250/credit hour. Read more

featured job

Center Director – Department of Juvenile Justice – Georgia

Under limited supervision, develop, plan, coordinate and implements a comprehensive program at a state institution/facility. Conducts activities that are structured, educational in nature and in line with the goals and specific requirements of the organization. Read more

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quote of the week

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates


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