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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


Are gangs running our prisons?

Dabiggmann: They are not running the prison but they definitely have a great deal of influence in the ebb and flow of things that happen within the walls and it is due largely to the lack of moral, ethics and professionalism by a few staff members.
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Part III The Prison Library: Promoting Reading & Pro-Social Connection

By Judith Jordet, MLS

Reading has a pro-social effect on the reader because the author creates characters to act and react within a social context. When an inmate identifies with a character, he experiences decisions and choices made in a social context and anticipates the consequences for the character. One aspect of criminal thinking is that they often do not sense consequences for their actions because they do not recognize their own social context.
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  • May – Education & Training – What’s new, conference coverage [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

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Juvenile Corrections Supervisor/Lieutenant – Ohio – NW Ohio Juvenile Detention, Training & Rehabilitation Center

The Corrections Supervisor is responsible to ensure the safety and security of juvenile detainees and staff during an assigned shift. Provide direct supervision to Juvenile Correction Officers and support services, leading, correcting, mediating and intervening to allow operations to run effectively.

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"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
- Sally Berger


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