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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

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New: Naphcare launches new blog and community pages!

Our Corrections.com developers have been working all month with NaphCare to launch their new site blog. It’s ready! Check it out and don’t forget to bookmark it. http://blog.naphcare.com/ They also have a new community page with all they do to give back.


Best way to handle unruly inmate

plberes: I find out whats going on first. There is usually a good reason. I get to the bottom of games.
full thread


Part II: The Prison Library as Cultural Connection

There are two demographics shared by all the readers of my library collection. All my readers are adult and male; they are also criminals. Managing a prison library based on demographics and statistics could be tedious and boring, but not when I am passionately pursuing the goal to create the most fertile ground for increasing literacy in the prison population.
full story


  • April – Women in Corrections – Profiling successful women practitioners and focusing on issues they face. [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

education spotlight:

Earn Your Criminal Justice Degree where you can count John D. Rockefeller and Harvey Firestone as fellow Alumni

Founded in 1848, Chancellor University has notable alumni including industry tycoons John D. Rockefeller, Harvey Firestone and Theodore Ernst. A Criminal Justice Degree from Chancellor University is available 100% online and covers a broad spectrum of the criminal justice arena and prepares graduates for many different careers in law enforcement, security and corrections fields. If you are currently serving in law enforcement and have graduated from a state certified police academy, you also may qualify for up to 27 hours of block credit toward your degree. Chancellor University also offers a discounted public safety and military tuition rate of $250/credit hour.


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quote of the week

"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them. A desire, a dream, a vision."
- Muhammed Ali


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