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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

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Officer Image

Sergeant Major: Go to work with a positive outlook, make the best out of the worst situation, and kill ‘em with politeness.
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Warrior New Year

By Andrew Nolen, Officer

The truth of the matter is that in most instances Corrections can be boring for the most part, exciting for some of it and always very stressful. Unfortunately the corrections profession has the dubious distinction of being one of the most stressed out jobs in law enforcement.
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  • January – Juvenile – Coverage of Juvenile programs and projects [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

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Dentist – Illinois – Wexford Health Sources, Inc.

Dental and oral surgery services will be provided as follows: 1. Provide comprehensive oral examination. 2. Perform diagnosis of oral problems and diseases. 3. Perform oral prophylaxis. 4. Provide x-ray procedures to diagnose dental abnormalities. 5. Perform radiographs (limited to symptomatic teeth). 6. Prescribe pharmaceuticals according to the established formulary. 7. Perform emergency oral examinations. 8. Provide protective fillings to relieve severe pain or prevent the loss of a tooth. 9. Perform emergency extractions of symptomatic teeth to relieve severe pain. 10. Treat acute infections to relieve severe pain or prevent the loss of a tooth. 11. Provide emergency recementation of inlays, crowns, or bridgework. 12. Provide routine local anesthesia and pain management, as necessary.

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quote of the week

"Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom. "
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge


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