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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

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The Three C's (Computers, Crime and Corrections)

Keep it Secret…Keep it Safe: Good Advice for Corrections and Social Networking

By Art Bowker, Cybercrime Specialist

For sometime it has been sound advice not have family pictures displayed in one’s office or workstation. This was a safety precaution. After all one didn’t want an offender to know about your family or what they looked like just in case they decided to retaliate against them. full story


Mentally Ill Inmates

Karen: I need some advise on the duty of RNs in the correctional setting to contact family of mentally ill patients who are clearly delusional (but do not fit criteria for 302) to fill in gaps in medical history given at intake.
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Warrior New Year

By Kevin E. Bedore , Canadian Federal Correctional Officer

Finding ten minutes a day to work on your warrior craft is a small investment that will pay off to you, your family, organization and society as a whole many times over. These extremely abbreviated daily training commitments over and over lead to an incredibly valuable and thorough training experience over the long run.
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  • January – Juvenile – Coverage of Juvenile programs and projects [Please send your articles/stories to editor@corrections.com]

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Volunteer Services/TDCJ

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice places a significant focus on volunteer services realizing volunteers are an essential element in the rehabilitation and re-entry of offenders into the community. Volunteers assist in providing literacy and educational programs, life skills training, job skills training, parent-training, medical issues and prevention training, arts and crafts programs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, faith-based programming, and other programs determined by TDCJ to aid in the transition between confinement and society and to reduce incidence of recidivism.

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quote of the week

"Common sense is not so common. "
- Voltaire


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