Become a fan of on Facebook!The Three C's (Computers, Crime and Corrections)![]() Inmates and Computer Access: Good or BadBy Art Bowker, Cybercrime SpecialistNot too long ago the idea of giving inmate’s computer access was batted around, particularly considering the educational aspect it brings to a facility. It is one additional tool that could be used to rehabilitate the inmate. This idea has grown dramatically. full story blogosphereMentally Ill InmatesKaren: I need some advise on the duty of RNs in the correctional setting to contact family of mentally ill patients who are clearly delusional (but do not fit criteria for 302) to fill in gaps in medical history given at intake.
featured![]() How Bad is the Crisis in America’s Prisons?By John Dewar Gleissner, EsqPretty bad. From 1987 to 2007, the U.S. prison population nearly tripled. The American prison population in 2004 was eight times larger than it was in 1954. In 2008, it was 40 times greater than it was in 1904. On a per capita basis, there were 15 times more sentenced prisoners in 2008 than in 1904. At the beginning of 2008, 2,319,258 Americans were in prison or jail, more than in any other country in the world, and a greater percentage of our population is in prison or jail than in any other country in the world. full story
featured jobCorrections Assistant Superintendent – Vermont – Department of CorrectionsManagerial work at a professional level in the Department of Corrections as an assistant superintendent of an adult correctional facility. Under the general supervision of a Correctional Facility Superintendent, performs administrative, managerial, and supervisory work required in planning, delivery, and evaluating correctional services. Supervision is exercised over supervisory, casework, technical, security, and clerical employees. Extensive liaison occurs with correctional, law enforcement, political, and service provider personnel. full job postingevents
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quote of the week"One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised."