This Week's Corrections Connection
Wednesday | August 22, 2007
Here are more stories by our readers from around the world, including South Africa, about what they do to feed their soul.
A big thanks again to all who contributed.
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Pursuit of happiness. Our off-time activities, Part II
By Our Readers
Practitioner interests, passions and hobbies
Notes from South Carolina
From John Barron, Stevenson Correctional Institution
The interesting activity I do in my time off is professional wrestling. I’ve been doing this for a little over three years. My wrestling name is Hallowicked.
Titles I’ve held include: South Carolina Heavyweight Belt; South Carolina Hardcore Belt; and Georgia Hardcore belt. I wrestle in the Southeastern states but have wrestled as far away as California.
I have been featured in The State newspaper (Columbia, S.C.). I was also listed as a top 500 wrestler in Pro Wrestling Illustrated magazine. Pro wrestling, unlike what most people believe, is not a fake sport. Wrestlers take a beating and feel it the rest of their lives. I myself have back problems; suffered a concussion; 13 staples in my head; two broken ribs; four dislocated fingers; fractured foot; dislocated shoulder; sprained/ jammed neck; countless cases of whiplash; five black eyes; hundreds of bumps, bruises and cuts.
One day I hope to make a living off of entertaining people but for the time being I’ll continue to wrestle for the love of the sport.
From Wayne Page, Trades Supervisor at the Palmer Pre-Release Center in Florence
Working in a correctional environment can really be very stressful no matter what security level or type of offender population is present. I found the best way to combat stress is by enjoying yourself when you’re not at work.
Flying at fourteen thousand feet may be enough of a thrill for some, but for me, jumping
out of the plane and not having to land with it relieves all that stress. More
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Developing StoriesUpcoming stories on and the Corrections Connection ezine
Focus Issues 2007
September Send your submissions for the September focus. October Submit an idea for a focus issue |
Becoming a prison town
There are some U.S. towns that when mentioned get the, “oh, you mean that prison town?” response. The phenomenon of small, rural towns building prisons in order to stimulate their economy brought the prison-building boom of the 1990s to its height, when a new prison or jail opened every fifteen days. A decade later, these “prison towns” are finding that their decision to build has altered their way of life in more ways than they could have imagined.More
A Capital strategy
Since the increase in crime during the mid-1960s, the primary challenge within the criminal justice system has been the substance-abusing offender. Society in general, and the justice system in particular, has revised their thoughts on crime and what we should do about criminals. However, the concern regarding the drug addicted offender remains constant.More
Reductions are possible. A Capital Strategy, Part II
Every offender brings an array of issues. Housing, health care, jobs and substance abuse are just the tip of the iceberg. Significant numbers of offenders, according to Department of Justice research, claim histories of child abuse and neglect or mental health problems. More
BUSINESS NEWS, a leading supplier of disposable medical supplies, sells directly from the warehouse to health care departments and prisons in 48 states. It’s an unprecedented move that promises to impact the way medical supplies are purchased in this country.
“With the Internet, a lot of manufacturers like Dell computers have already successfully eliminated the middle man to save the customer money,” says Joe Giovinco, President of Med 101, “now we are the first to do it for medical supplies.”
Learn more.
Oklahoma Department of Corrections Licenses ATG’s Systems
West Des Moines, August 20, 2007: The Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) has selected two applications in ATG’s Offender Management Suite. The Trust Fund Administration and Commissary Operations systems will be customized to match Oklahoma DOC’s business requirements governing offender accounts, restitution collection, and commissary management. More
Med 101 Allows Medical Staff To Buy Direct and Save 40%
Last December opened its doors and began selling disposable medical supplies direct from the warehouse, an unprecedented move that promises to impact the way medical supplies are purchased in this country. More
Federal Bureau of Prisons licenses ATG’s pharmacy administration system
The Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) has licensed ATG’s Pharmacy Administration System for all its 114 institutions nationwide. The system has been successfully piloted and full deployment is expected to be completed in 24 months. More
![]() RIDOC medical director honoredThe National Health Service Corps’ Student Experiences and Rotations in Community Health Program (SEARCH ) recently gave Rhode Island Department of Corrections Medical Director Michael Poshkus a recognition award. Read more |
Visit our job center todayEmployers:Job Seekers: |
Plainfield Correctional Facility Job Fair
A Job Fair will be held in the Training Complex at the Plainfield Correctional Facility. Interviews will be conducted for all available positions. More
Corrections USA Fall Conference and Medal of Valor Awards
Date: 9/5 - 9/8/07
Scheduled Events General Session: Prison Privatization, Legislation, News from Across the Country Correctional Officer Training Sessions and Seminars. More
West Central Wardens & Superintendents Association
Date: 9/10 - 9/13/07
Each year at its annual conference the WCWSA provides training opportunities with a variety of correctional professional and experts in the fields of law enforcement, technology, law and other topics of interest. More
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying."
- Woody Allen