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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

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Tell It Like It Is

Are Criminals More Violent?

by Tracy E. Barnhart

The purpose of this article is to bring about more awareness about the increasing number of law enforcement and correctional officers killed in the line of duty. I get almost daily E-Mail notifications about law enforcement officers killed while on duty. This does not include the number of correctional officers killed, as that statistic is not well maintained or compiled... full story


CERT rank structure

Garryowen: Any time you get any special team that has to interact with the line staff of any facility, there will be some friction and resentment on both sides...
full thread


Why’s our stuff always broke?

By Marvin Preston

Why is it that in correctional facilities employees identifies broken equipment and missing equipment as one of the top problematic issues for a department, yet are the main abusers of this equipment?
full story


  • March: Security/Technology - New technology, conferences, managing gangs/threat groups

featured job

Certified Nursing Assistant (Medication Certified) (2010011)

Provides patient care through medication disbursements; accurately documents disbursements; and, communicates essential information with health care and security team members; and assists health service providers and/or physicians.

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quote of the week

"February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March."
- Dr. J.R. Stockton


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