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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

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Tell It Like It Is

Deviance and Corruption

by Tracy E. Barnhart

Correctional deviance is a much broader term than corruption. It includes all activities which are inconsistent with norms, values, or ethics from a societal standpoint or even from the police standpoint... full story



Mudflap: When a new inmate asks an honest question I give him an honest answer....
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Juvenile Inmates in the Ohio Adult System

By Melody Haskins, Warden’s Assistant, Madison Correctional Institution

All male inmates under the age of 18, regardless of security level, begin serving their sentence at MACI, until they reach the age of majority. After turning 18 years old, the inmate may either transfer to another institution or to general population within the institution to finish his court ordered sentence.
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  • February: Juvenile - Coverage of Juvenile programs and projects

featured job

Corrections Officer – NH - Sullivan County Department of Corrections

The Sullivan County Department of Correction is hiring staff for a Community Corrections Center. The Community Corrections Center will offer a comprehensive array of jail-based and community corrections programs to its inmates. This innovative facility is expected to open in July of 2010. Case Managers and Clinicians will work closely with the Community Corrections treatment team, job developer and corrections staff. Community Corrections Staff will be hired in March for these positions.

full job posting

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quote of the week

"Trust that little voice in your head that says "Wouldn't it be interesting if..."; And then do it. "
- Duane Michals


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