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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

Tell It Like It Is

Mandatory Overtime = Sleep Deprivation

by Tracy E. Barnhart

Remember that one little question on your application process that stated, “Are you able to work mandatory overtime” and you marked yes because you were excited to get into the system and started on your chosen career? Looking back do you ever wish you would have marked NO?... full story


Max Inmates - What discipline?

kdw149: In my facility we seem to always give room confinement which to a max inmate is of no real consequence. If he loses an hour of dayroom time per day it is no big deal but he tells other inmates that he then gets away with what ever he wants.
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Three Years of Social Media-Lessons Learned

by Leonard Sipes, Jr., and Timothy Barnes

We created our federal social media site three years ago; we were one of the early adopters. We try to incorporate social media in virtually every media outreach effort. We believe that the site has provided concrete benefits to the agency.
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  • January: High Risk Offenders – Coverage of H1N1, AIDS and other high risk offenders

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Sullivan County, NH Department of Corrections - Caseworker

Candidates should possess: A Bachelors degree in the human services or related field, or a bachelor’s degree and a minimum of three years experience running successful treatment programs... full job posting

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quote of the week

"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. "
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery


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