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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

Tell It Like It Is

5 Signs you’re a Bad Corrections Employee

by Tracy E. Barnhart

Here are five signs that you might be the one pushing your coworkers to the limits of their sanity and you may be the problem inside your institutions: ... full story


Deadly Force Use

Gunfighter: Has there ever been a time in your correctional careers where looking back on the situation and thinking about it, you should have used deadly force to resolve the attack or incident on an inmate but did not?
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Ten Things Wise Veterans Do Right

by Joe Bouchard & Caterina Spinaris Tudor

Veteran staff have many helpful, even life-saving tips to share with other staff and newbies. They have earned their wisdom from experience over the years, usually the hard way.
Here is a list of attitudes and actions of seasoned corrections staff which help them remain safe on the job and successful in their careers.
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  • December: Charity/Volunteerism

featured job

Juvenile Probation Officer

Supervises a assigned caseload of juvenile or adult probationers... full job posting

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quote of the week

"Inspiration usually comes during work, rather than before it. "
- Madeleine L'Engle


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