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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

Tell It Like It Is

Top Ten Rookie Officer Mistakes

by Tracy E. Barnhart

Depending on the agency size and department manpower you may or may not be working alone. The following are some keys to success that you can place into your mental toolbox that will assist you in making it through. Take everyday as a learning experience and allow your mistakes to be tools to your success... full story



Johnny: I have been in Corrections for about a year and I have seen more people have problems with CO’s than inmates. Can anyone explain this?
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Prison Litigation and What It Means To You as a Corrections Professional

by Terry Campbell, Criminal Justice Advisory Board for Kaplan University

If you work in corrections, you are likely to get sued at some point in your career. The actions and decisions of corrections officers are always under scrutiny, which is why it is imperative that you be knowledgeable about administrative regulations and procedures, and state and federal laws. This knowledge will help officers do their jobs properly, understand their rights and respond appropriately to legal action taken against them. Corrections employees need to understand that being sued is not personal, however, it is a reality in this profession...
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  • December: Charity/Volunteerism

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Purchasing Agent - Idaho

Provides advice, guidance and support for contracting and purchasing procedures to Sheriff’s staff and vendors... full job posting

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  • Juvenile Probabtion Officer Training
    Nov 29 - Dec 04, 2009
    Juvenile Probation Officer Basic is a forty (40) hour workshop for the new probation officer (1 day to 1 year). Participants will experience simulations, role plays, and group practices.

  • interactive pocket calendar

quote of the week

"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal."
- E. Joseph Cossman


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