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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

eBook now available on Corrections.com

Scars & Bars

(download for $9.99) A Survival Guide for Corrections Officers and Their Families by Barry Evert

"No waiting, no suspense, no nonsense…just the facts and the advice you need to be an effective officer the minute you step onto the yard the first time."

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How many gangs are in your facility?

OCCD: 3 or 4 active. Representatives of atleast 50. 80% of those who rep are posers, though. Lots of fakes...
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The road to safety: Solutions to staff division

by Joe Bouchard and Tracy Barnhart

I believe that staff division is easy and staff unity is hard to do. But, I think that realism is important. Like contraband control, we will never eradicate all possible problems that vex our profession. But we are in a better position if we can mitigate the problems. That said, I think that one of the best mindsets to achieve this is what I call the mission statement mentality. Every one of us in corrections has a part in safety for staff, offenders, and the public. Each agency mission statement highlights the importance of safety...
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  • December: Charity/Volunteerism

featured job

Jail Technician (Central Control) - Idaho

Operates the jail’s electronic security system using a control console allowing movement in and out of the jail as well as within the jail... full job posting

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  • Juvenile Probabtion Officer Training
    Nov 29 - Dec 04, 2009
    Juvenile Probation Officer Basic is a forty (40) hour workshop for the new probation officer (1 day to 1 year). Participants will experience simulations, role plays, and group practices.

  • interactive pocket calendar

quote of the week

"About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends."
- Herbert Hoover


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