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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


This week, regular columnist Barry Evert offers what he’s learned regarding how people can decipher another’s body language, and then use their own to protect themselves from a possible aggressor. The report examples he provides should prove invaluable to anyone caught in these situations.

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Know your body language

By Barry Evert

Converting self-protecting actions to the written word

Many people have attempted to decipher body language as a means of predicting human behavior. Many of these people are self-proclaimed professionals who have never spent a day in a job where reading body language can be a life saving skill. Many of us in corrections and related law enforcement careers already possess the skills to “read” a person based on their physical behavior, but have a hard time articulating it in a report or in court.

Many of us have faced an inmate or suspect that we know has violent tendencies. We can usually base this on the first five seconds of contact. We’ll assess the environment, and ask if we have a tactical “out” - is there a way for me to get out of the situation should the inmate or suspect gain the upper hand on this situation? Second, we should look at how the person is standing. Commonly we associate a “bladed” stance (one foot in front of the other, standing sideways to your adversary) as an aggressive posture. The person will be standing partially sideways, commonly with his hands above his waist. More

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More butter, less guns

Senators on Capitol Hill are pushing a new bill to increase funding for law enforcement agencies’ gang suppression tactics. In light of the gang report recently released by the Justice Policy Institute, they might want to reconsider. More

1.7 million’s a crowd

You’ve probably seen a lot of ‘prison overcrowding’ stories grabbing the headlines lately. According to the latest Pew Charitable Trusts report, Public Safety, Public Spending, the projected growth rate of the United States prison population for the next five years will triple that of the general population. That translates to adding a whopping 192,000 inmates to an already stretched system. More

Micromangement - A view from the other side

There are very few who would argue in favor of the merits of micro-managing. Unnecessary and relentless attention to detail frustrates competent staff, provides fodder for division, and allows a foothold for manipulative prisoners. It is a nearly universal sentiment that micro-managing is absolutely wrong in all instances. In fact, there is a time and place for this style of management in corrections. And understanding the different kinds of micromanagers helps us to cope with their methods. More


BINJ Laboratories

BINJ Laboratories, Inc. is an innovative technology company that specializes in cell phone and signal detection, defense electronics, and corrections and public safety communications. Led by three electronic warfare engineers with over 100 years in system engineering experience, BINJ Labs has developed a first-of-its-kind, wireless Cell Phone Detection System under the direction of corrections technologists from the Federal Bureau of Prison, New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts Department of Corrections. Learn more.

Med 101 Allows Medical Staff To Buy Direct and Save 40%

Last December Med101store.com opened its doors and began selling disposable medical supplies direct from the warehouse, an unprecedented move that promises to impact the way medical supplies are purchased in this country. More

Federal Bureau of Prisons licenses ATG’s pharmacy administration system

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) has licensed ATG’s Pharmacy Administration System for all its 114 institutions nationwide. The system has been successfully piloted and full deployment is expected to be completed in 24 months. More

Community Education Centers acquires CiviGenics

Community Education Centers, Inc. (CEC), the leading provider of offender reentry services, today announced that it has acquired CiviGenics, Marlborough, Mass., the largest provider of in-prison treatment programs. More


New wardens for Kentucky

FRANKFORT, KY – Mervin (Merv) Haddix has been promoted to Deputy Warden of Kentucky’s Frankfort Career and Development Center. Read more

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Correctional Security Conference

The 4th Annual Correctional Security Conference is scheduled for Sunday, September 30th--Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at the Millennium Hotel in Cincinnati, OH. This annual conference is designed to specifically address correctional security issues and is tailored for correctional supervisors, correctional services administrator, intelligence officers, wardens and superintendents. The theme for this year's event is:

"From Towers to Technology: Safety and Security Through Technology and Training".

For more information on the conference or to register as an exhibitor, please visit our website at www.correctionalsecurity.org to download the conference registration brochure, or contact Becky Ritchey, Conference Director at 859-622-6163 or ekutrc@aol.com

2007 Conference Hosted by the:
Correctional Security Network, Inc.
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
Ohio Department of Youth Services
Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Eastern Kentucky University-College of Justice and Safety
The Corrections Connection

ACA 137th Congress of Correction

Date: 8/10 - 8/15/07
A valuable opportunity for all corrections professionals, in both treatment and security. More

Recognizing, Understanding & Managing the Problem Public Safety Employee

Date: 8/20/07
Public Safety agencies nationally face the problem of administrators and supervisors spending a disproportionate amount of time dealing with malcontent and disgruntled employees.More

Physical Surveillance

Date: 8/20 - 8/24/07
This training will provide the participant the knowledge of proper planning methods and techniques for conducting a successful foot, vehicle and stationary surveillance operation in an urban setting. More


"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
- Sir Winston Churchill


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