How do you spend your time off?We want to publish your off duty stories. Last year we got some great ones --- body builders, jewelry makers, eagle trainers, turkey catapult throwers, writers, photographers and everything else you can imagine. Now we want to hear from you --- either for the first time -- or tell us again what you’re up to. Please send us photos – wed love to publish them! Email us by July 20th to be in the first group. featured![]() Addressing Girls' Delinquencyby "Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention"Few studies have examined which girls become delinquent or why; and little is known about how well girls respond to interventions that have been traditionally designed with boys in mind. The Girls Study Group—Charting the Way to Delinquency Prevention for Girls describes the founding of OJJDP's Girls Study Group and the series of bulletins that OJJDP is in the process of publishing drawing on its research findings... full story
blogosphere20 years and outdlassy: How many states if not all are 20 years and out like the military? full thread featured jobInvestigator - Mississippiresponsible for the supervision of all internal investigations within the facility. Conduct internal investigations of all felonies committed by inmates and/or staff. Supervise and/or conduct the collection of all samples for urinalysis testing for both staff and inmates... full job posting biz news
![]() quote of the week"When you are through changing, you are through." |