NEW Economy & CorrectionsStimulus Package ResponseIn response to last week's comment by charst46 Spanke writes, "charst46 – you’re very knowledgeable and have responded in a very astute and comprehensive manner. I applaud your frankness and objectivity in this time of frustration and fear. Good work." Do you agree? Leave your thoughts here featured![]() Undoing the Stress Responseby Caterina Spinaris Tudor, Ph.D.Imagine being ambushed by a mountain lion while hiking through the Colorado Rockies. As soon as the big cat knocks you to the ground, you automatically go into fighting mode. Your heart rate and blood pressure shoot up, sending extra blood to your limbs so you can have the strength to fight. Glycogen in your liver and muscles becomes converted to glucose to give you extra energy. Digestion stops. Cholesterol is released in your bloodstream to be an additional source of energy. Blood clotting factors kick into action, so you won’t bleed to death... full story
featured jobChief Operating Officer - New JerseyCommunity Education Centers (CEC) is a leading provider of residential treatment programs designed to prepare inmates to reenter society, in-prison treatment services, and jail management. We operate in more than 20 states with over 4500 staff working with thousands of individuals in our daily care. full job posting ahead
blogosphereCan we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior?Jon: I maybe about to beat a dead horse, so somebody notify PETA…The article title… "Can we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior?" Simply put, yes, we can do whatever the hell we want to do…Better stated, and not entirely ignored by some (even in response to this forum title), is this…"SHOULD we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior?" comfortably: I don’t think issuing them the latest issue of “King” or whatever other ghetto-booty picture filled rag is really going to open minds or expand their knowledge. I wouldn’t be against them getting something educational, but that only happens in this fantasy world you seem to want to live in. Back here in the real world, they subscribe to the closest thing to porn they are allowed. What really is there to sit back and PONDER on that? mudflap: I don’t know of any instance where mail has been withheld from an inmate, with the exception of while he’s on a suicide watch, and he gets all of his mail after he’s removed from that watch. Matter of fact, I can’t think of any instance where an inmate was told “you can’t read a book or newspaper”. However, there have been instances where a Seg inmate wasn’t allowed to have newspapers or magazines because of what he was using them for. full thread biz news
![]() quote of the week"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." |