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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections

NEW Economy & Corrections

Smart ’09 Budget Moves in Corrections

KDOC Continues to Reap Benefit of eLearning

March 4, 2009. According to The Kentucky Department of Corrections, for the past five years they have sustained a 60% savings off their annual training budget as the result of a smart, measurable training strategy engineered by CorrectionsMedia, the industry's elearning leader and creators of Corrections.com. read more


Using Social Media to Protect Public Safety

by Leonard A. Sipes, Jr.

DC’s Fugitive Safe Surrender Prompts 530 Offenders with Warrants to Voluntarily Surrender in a Church. It’s not easy to understand why anyone with a warrant would voluntarily surrender to law enforcement. But I spoke to many offenders during an event in the nation’s capitol who told me that they were looking for a safe opportunity to turn themselves in. full story

featured job

Correctional Registered Nurse - Arizona

We are looking for a Correctional Registered Nurse to work at one of the Secured School Medical Facilities. Positions are available in North Phoenix, Buckeye and Tucson. full job posting


  • April: Security/Technology
  • May: Architecture
  • June: Minority issues


Mudflap: I’m at Hocking, and we’ve been hit hard with upper management losses. We’ve also lost a couple of CO’s when some support staff bumped them. (As most ODRC people know, a CO can go to a different job and then go back to a CO if they do it before a set number of years. That’s what has happened with us.)

Irishsprig: Hey guys, just got hooked up on this site! Wanted to ask mudflap how did you lose administration? Up here they just moved them around and gave them different titles.

Mudflap: None of the admin spots were given different titles. They’re gone. A few of the lower eschelon personnel bumped back to a CO slot, but most transferred to a different facility and got a slightly lower position. full thread

biz news


quote of the week

"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right"
- Henry Ford (1863 - 1947) Founder, Ford Motor Co.


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