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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


With all of the high-tech answers out there to today's corrections challenges, it can be difficult to see that sometimes the best solution might be the simplest one. This week's story covers an idea used for generations, and it needs little more than love, feeding, walks and a few treats. But, really, who doesn't need that every now and again?
Jim, Corrections.com editor


High-tech fetching

By Ann Coppola

They can text, but they can't hide

The presence of cell phones inside correctional facilities can endanger everyone, from staff to inmates and even to the outside public. Phones can be used to plan escapes as well as attacks on other inmates, officers, witnesses, or others outside the facility.

They also can be help inmates threaten enemies, carry out contraband trafficking, or organize gang activity. Many departments these days are utilizing metal detectors, X-ray machines, and visitor inspections to prevent phones from getting smuggled in, but these efforts don’t appear to be a complete solution.

While the South Carolina Department of Corrections and others are currently looking at technology such as cell phone signal jamming as alternative solutions to this problem, a less high-tech way to “drop” these unwanted calls for good is available. Read this week's full story.

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Regarding Notes from the home front
This is a great article. I know that I will need all of the support that my family can give me, especially in the beginning. I will be gone for extended periods of time without seeing them to start, and it will be an oasis coming home on the "weekends" and just hanging out with my wife and kids. Again...great article.

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Beware, brother

The Aryan Brotherhood originated in San Quentin prison in 1967. Full story

Preventing your unit from becoming the next Chernobyl

You enter into your unit and walk the tier checking to ensure that your reports are maintaining the area and monitoring activity in the housing unit. Full story

Breaking new ground

Since its opening in 1935, the FBI National Academy has had its share of graduates pass through the halls. Full story


California DOCR completes deployment of ATG system

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has successfully deployed Trust Fund Administration and Commissary Operations applications... More

Keefe Receives AWEC’s Legacy Award

Keefe Group was honored by the Association of Women Executives in Corrections’ (AWEC) Executive Committee as the recipient of the 2008 Legacy Award. More

Federal Bureau of Prisons fully deploys two medical systems in 18 months

In less than 18 months, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) has deployed ATG’s Electronic Medical Records and Pharmacy Administration systems to all 114 Bureau institutions nationwide serving over 165,000 inmates. More


Rhode Island’s Wall named outstanding director

The Association of State Correctional Administrators honored Rhode Island Department of Corrections Director Ashbel T. Wall, as its 2008 outstanding corrections director. Full story.

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Texas Juvenile Probation Commission Conference

The Texas Juvenile Probation Commission will host "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Preventing, Responding, Investigating and Prosecuting Sexual Abuse in Juvenile Justice Facilities" from December 10-12, 2008 at the Omni Bayfront Hotel in Corpus Christi, Texas.

This year's conference will gather renowned national authors, speakers, and practitioners to discuss the complex issues surrounding sexual abuse of juvenile offenders in correctional facility settings. This multi-tracked conference will focus on prevention of sexual abuse in facilities, responding to sexual abuse, and effective investigation and prosecution of sexual abuse.

Its goal is to provide attendees with the tools, training, and resources to formulate comprehensive and effective protocols for their facility to ensure that incarcerated youth are protected from sexual abuse.

For more information, please visit www.tjpc.state.tx.us

ACA 2009 Winter Conference

Date: 1/9 - 14/09
Location: Kissimmee, Florida, United States. See http://www.aca.org, contact Jennifer Bechtel at 703.224.0102 or click here for more information.

Interview Techniques

Date: 1/23/09
Course Content: Focused Interview Strategies, Interview Fundamentals, Verbal and Non-Verbal Behavior, and more. More information.

The Bullet Proof Mind: Mental Preparation for Combat

Date: 1/27/09
Col. Grossman, currently a West Point professor, is one of the nation's leading law enforcement trainers. More information.

Check out more events.


"I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty."
- George Burns (1896 - 1996) U.S. actor & comedian


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