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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


This week we include a thought-provoking piece about ethics - how they're developed, the meaning behind them, why they should be incorporated, and how a lack of them can lead to the ultimate downfall of any industry.
Jim, Corrections.com editor


Criminal justice ethics - a view from the top

By Steven R. Eastvedt

What we should do

For many years I have talked to various high-ranking administrators in both law enforcement and corrections about the necessity for providing ethics education and training programs in the criminal justice field. Typically, both police and corrections administrators seem very receptive and supportive to the concept and the necessity of ethics education and training, but in the long run do not pursue actual steps toward the development and implication of such programs for their staff. The most common argument they offer for not pursuing ethics education and training concerns a lack of funding.

Although I do not have access to the costs of legal fees and damage awards litigating a single tort claim and lawsuit resulting from an ethics violation, it seems an ethical education and training program would be the better bargain. The only real conceptual problem is the simple fact that despite implementing the best possible ethics education and training program, it is impossible to insure that ethical violations will no longer occur. This too has been an argument by some administrators to justify apprehension for funding such programs. Read this week's full story.

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Regarding The god complex
Excellent article. I wish there were more of you or more with your attitude at the BOP.
Thank you.

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Study abroad

Recently, U.S. corrections departments have been opening their doors to prison officials from around the world. Full story

Notes from the home front

Any outsider having regular contact with correctional staff picks up quickly on some peculiar habits of workers in this profession. Full story

Tilting the legal landscape

There has been much moving and shaking in the corrections legal world during the last few months. Full story


Keefe Receives AWEC’s Legacy Award

Keefe Group was honored by the Association of Women Executives in Corrections’ (AWEC) Executive Committee as the recipient of the 2008 Legacy Award. More

Federal Bureau of Prisons fully deploys two medical systems in 18 months

In less than 18 months, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) has deployed ATG’s Electronic Medical Records and Pharmacy Administration systems to all 114 Bureau institutions nationwide serving over 165,000 inmates. More

North Carolina DOC Licenses ATG’s Pharmacy Administration System

The North Carolina Department of Corrections has licensed ATG’s Pharmacy Administration System for all its 78 institutions serving 37,000 inmates. More


Coalition honors WIDOC as “Changemaker”

Wisconsin Department of Corrections Field Supervisor Elaine Stipetich was honored by the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence... Full story.

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Texas Juvenile Probation Commission Conference

The Texas Juvenile Probation Commission will host "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Preventing, Responding, Investigating and Prosecuting Sexual Abuse in Juvenile Justice Facilities" from December 10-12, 2008 at the Omni Bayfront Hotel in Corpus Christi, Texas.

This year's conference will gather renowned national authors, speakers, and practitioners to discuss the complex issues surrounding sexual abuse of juvenile offenders in correctional facility settings. This multi-tracked conference will focus on prevention of sexual abuse in facilities, responding to sexual abuse, and effective investigation and prosecution of sexual abuse.

Its goal is to provide attendees with the tools, training, and resources to formulate comprehensive and effective protocols for their facility to ensure that incarcerated youth are protected from sexual abuse.

For more information, please visit www.tjpc.state.tx.us

Gangs: Customs, Practices, Sociology & Identifiers

Date: 12/15/08
Course content includes: How violence has become a gang tool; Safety issues when dealing with gang members; Understanding gang behaviors; Gang & drug connections, and more.

ACA 2009 Winter Conference

Date: 1/9 - 14/09
Location: Kissimmee, Florida United States. See http://www.aca.org, contact Jennifer Bechtel at 703.224.0102 or click here for more information.

Interview Techniques

Date: 1/23/09
Course Content: Focused Interview Strategies, Interview Fundamentals, Verbal and Non-Verbal Behavior, and more. More information

Check out more events.


"All the President is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway."
- Harry S. Truman (1884 - 1972) 33rd U.S. president, in a letter to his sister, Nov. 14, 1947


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