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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


We've heard their ideas about the economy, taxes, health care and Iraq. Somehow the presidential candidates' views on corrections hasn't made the spotlight yet, even though the field faces budget cuts, overcrowding and hard times ahead. So, this week Corrections.com reporter, Ann Coppola, provides an in-depth look at where Obama and McCain stand on a pivotal facet of the criminal justice system.
Jim, Corrections.com editor


Promises to keep

By Ann Coppola

Meet the candidates

Can’t you just taste it? Election Day is a mere thirteen days away. All of the debates, Veepstakes, baby-kissing, and endorsement fishing aside, Senators Barack Obama and John McCain are about to face the biggest moment of their strikingly different lives. And the campaigns are bracing for what promises to be a brutally fast-paced and sleepless race to the finish.

It might be two-weeks of crunch time for Democrats and Republicans, but the United States corrections system has been running a race of its own for decades. Most of the public was shocked when it learned earlier this year that for the first time in history, one in 100 American adults is under some form of correctional supervision. State budgets are in crisis, and departments of correction are often targeted for cutbacks during rough economic times. Read this week's full story.

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Regarding Pride and prejudice
I really relate to the piece you wrote about your career. I too have been writing justice articles, or attempting to secure justice articles on your website and other justice or national and international publications for almost 13 years.

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Tough loss

Corrections professionals in Ohio are mourning the loss of Warden Jacqueline Thomas, who died of a heart attack last Sunday. Full story

Pride and prejudice

My family and I moved to a new town not too long ago... Full story

To have and have not

In California the laws about sexual activity inside prisons are simple; inmates cannot have sex and they cannot have condoms. Full story


Keefe Receives AWEC’s Legacy Award

Keefe Group was honored by the Association of Women Executives in Corrections’ (AWEC) Executive Committee as the recipient of the 2008 Legacy Award. More

Federal Bureau of Prisons fully deploys two medical systems in 18 months

In less than 18 months, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) has deployed ATG’s Electronic Medical Records and Pharmacy Administration systems to all 114 Bureau institutions nationwide serving over 165,000 inmates. More

North Carolina DOC Licenses ATG’s Pharmacy Administration System

The North Carolina Department of Corrections has licensed ATG’s Pharmacy Administration System for all its 78 institutions serving 37,000 inmates. More


Long time facilities supervisor promoted

Rhode Island Department of Corrections Director, A.T. Wall, II, has promoted Arthur Fillo to associate director of facilities and maintenance. Full story.

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Women Working in Corrections and Juvenile Justice National Conference

The 2008 Women Working in Corrections and Juvenile Justice National Conference will be held October 26 to 29 at the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa.

Keynote speakers will include:
Dr. Brene Brown
Bonnie Campbell
Meda Chesney-Lind, Ph.D
Gwendolyn C. Chunn

Dr. Marilyn Van Dieten, along with colleagues from the field, will deliver a day long work shop on "Merging Evidence-Based Practices and Gender Responsive Research: An Innovative Case Management Model."

This year's conference also will include five main tracks of interest:

  • Leadership at all Levels - Motivating staff, dealing with change, issues for women in leadership

  • Workplace Climate and Culture - Team building, multi-generational workforces, diversity, workplace relationships

  • Corrections and the Community - Working with victims, collaborating for best results, reform movements in juvenile justice

  • The Offender's Journey, Helping Facilitate Change - Reentry, gender-specific programming, working with females in the juvenile justice system

  • Living a Balanced and Healthy Life - Evaluating and balancing your priorities, the value of coaching, managing stress

For more information on the conference and to register, please visit our website www.womenincorrections.com

Strategic Communication for Corrections & Law Enforcement Staff

Date: 11/13 - 14/08
This vital two-day training provides corrections and law enforcement personnel with the opportunity to learn and practice communication, self-management and conflict management skills based on best practices. More information

Gangs: Customs, Practices, Sociology & Identifiers

Date: 12/15/08
Course content includes: How violence has become a gang tool; Safety issues when dealing with gang members; Understanding gang behaviors; Gang & drug connections, and more.

ACA 2009 Winter Conference

Date: 1/9 - 14/09
Location: Kissimmee, Florida United States. See http://www.aca.org, contact Jennifer Bechtel at 703.224.0102 or click here for more information.

Check out more events.


"It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, (1882 - 1945) 32nd U.S. President, U.S. Democratic politician, New York Gov.


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