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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


‘Protect and Serve.’ You’ve heard it over and over when it comes to your job. As a CO, priority one is to protect your facility and community while serving the public. In this week’s Corrections Connection, regular contributor Barry Evert encourages all officers to support this mantra by not downplaying their daily observations, but instead communicating what they see and hear to units that monitor threat groups. In doing so, you’ll not only protect and serve on a higher level, but also help, as Evert says, "to treat this infection in our country’s prisons.”

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Treating an infection within

By Barry Evert

Identifying disruptive groups efficiently

In all correctional settings there are inmates, or groups of inmates who strive to take control over their environment. As most of us are aware, the battle between groups to take control over their “yard space” or drug trading rights can lead to violent, unpredictable incidents.

Those officers who have to respond to and clean up the scene, and who are assaulted or otherwise injured trying to restore the peace, are usually the victims of these incidents. Over the years much has been tried to alleviate the influence of these disruptive groups, but the perfect solution still eludes us as a whole. More

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Regarding Check it at the gate, avoid the burnout, 6/13/07

I totally agree with the ideas in this article. I work in the main intake hub for Phoenix, AZ, and I work with all male offenders. I deal with custody levels from 1 to 5 minimum to max custody, and I am a supervisor. Along with dealing with inmates, I also have to concentrate on the needs of my officers.

Our mental health inmates can really get to you on a daily routine. I agree that this department can change you. I am a very different person after five years of service, but would I change my job? No. I am in a career that is very constant with much room for advancement. I tell myself everyday this is a career, and I try not to absorb the negativity that comes with this difficult job.

My advice is to avoid becoming what we do. Stay who you are. You are a CO for a living, but leave that at the gate and then be who you are; a person that believes family comes first. It is a difficult job, and the praise usually doesn't exist, and if it comes it’s minimal. But, stay emotionally healthy and stay safe.
Sargeant D. Jackson

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Home is where the farm is

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Mission: Success – Methods of attack

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BINJ Laboratories

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When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest.
- William Hazlitt, English essayist (1778 - 1830)


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