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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


I had the fortunate opportunity to speak with David Donohue on one of his last days as Indiana Department of Corrections Commissioner. I expected a bittersweet conversation about his decision to step down and return to his Kentucky home.

Instead we had an uplifting and candid discussion about his career achievements and his pursuit to re-connect with his family. Even after all of his hard work to get where he was, he didn't regret where he was going next and looked forward to the next chapter of his life, which he called a life promotion.
Jim, Corrections.com editor


A life promotion

By Jim Montalto

Taking the road less traveled

They say you can’t have it all. There can be no victory without failure, no gain without a loss somewhere else.

When it comes to someone like J. David Donohue, that old adage doesn’t necessarily ring true, nor does he particularly believe in it.

Through his 28-year corrections career Donohue’s faced his share of sacrifice - multiple house moves, long work days, late nights, weekends and holidays consumed with facility visits or administrative matters - but never once did he give up on the most precious part of his life. As he climbed the career ladder, from entry-level corrections officer to Indiana Department of Correction Commissioner, his family has always been by his side. Read this week's full story.

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Regarding The technology bridge, 9/8/08
I couldn't agree with the author more. College education not only proves that a person is bright and can stick out a course of study; it also gentles a person such that they are not easily angered and can think through a situation before taking hasty action. Increased education for corrections personnel can only help them and those in their charge as well.

For those who are in rural areas, online coursework is an acceptable substitution for classroom education. Departments of corrections should definitely have an education benefit.
Brook Henderson Co-Coordinator, Southern ColoradoCURE

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Best practices in jail-based health care, part I

In the health care world at large, there is a lot of talk about “best practices.” Full story

Understanding to prevent

Approximately 30,000 people in the United States kill themselves each year. Full story

The process of dialogue

I heard once that we have one mouth but two ears because we need to listen twice as much as we speak. Full story


Digital Solutions / Inmate Telephone Inc. Improves Efficiencies for Corrections Facilities

Digital Solutions / Inmate Telephone Inc. announces the release of InmateBanker.com... More

Partnership improves medical records management within corrections facilities

Digital Solutions / Inmate Telephone Inc. and CorEMR (Correctional Electronic Medical Records) today announced an ongoing partnership to assist correctional facilities with their inmate medical management needs. More

Public Communications Services Acquires AGM Telecom

Public Communications Services (PCS) is pleased to announce the acquisition of our current call processing equipment (CPE) partner AGM Telecom, based in Keller, Texas. More


Longest serving law school dean in nation becomes assistant director of religious program

New Indiana Department of Correction Commissioner Edwin G. Buss has chosen Reverend David T. Link to be Assistant Director of Religious Services, Northern Region. Full story.

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Correctional Security Conference

The 5th Annual Correctional Security Conference is scheduled for September 28 to October 1, 2008 at the Millennium Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio. This annual conference is designed to specifically address correctional security issues and is tailored for correctional officers, supervisors and administrators, jail administrators, wardens and superintendents, and the vendors and suppliers of correctional security products and services. The theme for this year's event is:

"Correctional security and the mentally ill offender"

For more information on the conference or to register as an exhibitor, please visit our website at www.correctionalsecurity.org to download the conference registration brochure, or contact Becky Ritchey, Conference Manager, at 859-582-0027 or ekutrc@aol.com

2008 Conference hosted by the:
Correctional Security Network
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
Ohio Department of Youth Services
Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice and Safety
The Corrections Connection

24th Annual IACTP Trainers’ Conference

Date: 10/19 - 22/08
This year the Arizona Department of Corrections will host . Make plans now to attend this conference where you’ll see exceptional workshops and have the opportunity to network with corrections professionals from across the nation. More information.

2008 OCJA Training Conference

Date: 10/19 - 21/08
Training topics include Adult & Juvenile Corrections, Juvenile Probation, Adult Parole & Probation, and more. Register at www.code4.org, 800-622-9391, or reservations@code4.org. More information

Management of HIV/AIDS in the Correctional & Community Setting

Date: 10/22/08
This program addresses clinical issues in the management of HIV-infected patients and is a unique, collaborative venture among Albany Medical College, the New York State Department of Correctional Services and the private pharmaceutical industry. Each program addresses a different clinical aspect of HIV infection using the same format: didactic lectures, case presentations and a panel discussion. More information.

Check out more events.


"Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong."
- George Carlin, U.S. comedian and actor (1937 - 2008)


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